CHE Ranking 2024:
Top scores for Biology and Agricultural Biology degree programs  [02.05.24]

According to the latest CHE University Ranking, students give the University of Hohenheim’s programs in Biology an excellent rating.

Outstanding study conditions, excellent laboratory courses, lots of support during your studies and a wide range of courses: In the latest ranking by the Center for Higher Education Development (CHE), Bachelor’s and Master’s students at the University of Hohenheim in Stuttgart gave the subjects of Biology and Agricultural Biology top grades. The University of Hohenheim’s range of courses in Business Administration and Economics also got top scores in the 2023 CHE ranking. The Bachelor’s Info Day on 17 May 2024 will provide an insight into the degree programs offered. Please note that for all Bachelor’s degree programs in Hohenheim, the language of instruction is German. Excerpts from the ranking are published in the current issue of the ZEIT Study Guide. More at

According to the latest CHE survey, students of Biology and Agricultural Biology at the University of Hohenheim are more satisfied than average with their studies.

Excellent study conditions and a wide range of courses

With 4.2 (Biology) and 4.0 (Agricultural Biology) out of 5 stars, Hohenheim students consider the conditions for studying at their university to be above the national average. The same applies to the organization of studies (4.2 and 4.3 stars respectively). The range of courses also impressed students with 4.0 stars in both subjects: Students particularly appreciate the breadth of content and the numerous opportunities to set individual specializations.

The way teaching focuses on research in Hohenheim is also reflected in the ranking results: Students consider themselves to be well prepared for scientific work and thinking as a result of their studies. "Humboldt reloaded” contributes to this: the program offers research-based learning in which students can work on their own research projects independently and in small groups as early as the basic study period.

Praise for laboratory courses and excursions

Practical relevance is not neglected either: The University of Hohenheim scores particularly well with the high quality of its laboratory courses (Biology: 4.3 stars, Agricultural Biology: 4.1 stars).

Excursions and field courses also provide a lot of practical experience and are awarded 4.2 stars in both subjects. From the preparation and organization to the academic support, the students are enthusiastic and show this with the above-average ratings.

Good support during studies and the career orientation phase

Hohenheim students also consider the support during their studies to be above average, awarding 4.0 (Biology) and 3.9 (Agricultural Biology) stars. Above all, they praise the academic support offered during their studies, such as tutorials or exam preparation courses. For example, tailor-made additional courses in mathematics, chemistry, or scientific writing help students to successfully overcome important hurdles.

The University of Hohenheim does not leave its students alone when it comes to the question of what to do after graduation: At the “Life Science” career fair, for example, they can get in touch with companies, and the Hohenheim CareerCenter provides advice and support with career orientation, profile building, and applications. In the CHE ranking, these services are awarded an above-average 3.4 (Biology) and 3.7 (Agricultural Biology) stars.

Information on the Bachelor’s degree programs

BACKGROUND: CHE University Ranking

According to the Center for Higher Education Development (CHE), the university ranking is the most detailed comparison of universities in the German-speaking world. In addition to facts about studies, teaching and research, it includes assessments by around 120,000 students on the study conditions at their university. For the CHE Ranking 2024, students gave their ratings directly in the questionnaires on a 5-star scale, from 1 star (very poor) to 5 stars (very good). The complete methodology of the CHE University Ranking can be found on CHE Ranking Methodology website.

Of the entire range of subjects at the University of Hohenheim, only some of the degree programs are re-ranked each year, and some of the ranked degree programs are not available at the University of Hohenheim. The update takes place every three years. The ZEIT study guide publishes excerpts from the ranking. The complete CHE University Ranking is available on

Additional information

Text: Elsner

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