Events – Innovation and Transfer

Match-making event | 7 July 2018

Speed-dating for those interested in becoming entrepreneurs, innovators, alumni, businesspeople. Participants are matched in advance and get to know each other in Hohenheim.

The resulting projects are given assistance. In the context of the University’s anniversary in 2018, the Research Promotion Department and the Alumni Management Unit are offering a speed-dating event for University members and external representatives who want to generate ideas together, develop business models, and implement these in industrial applications.

Registrations can be done in advance to briefly present yourself and your idea and make it easier to get to know each other during the event.

TTT - Technology Transfer Meeting | 20 Sept 2018

The Technology Transfer Meeting for Baden-Württemberg universities in Hohenheim.
For the first time, the University of Hohenheim is the host for the annual meeting of Technology Transfer staff members from Baden-Württemberg universities.

The participants will give speeches and have discussions in the Palace’s Blue Room on current topics and future challenges in the areas of innovation and technology transfer.

Contact: Bastian Strinz | Email