General Terms and Conditions of the University of Hohenheim

The University can only offer its services under certain conditions, as it is itself subject to legal requirements. Offers for services provided by the University are therefore always submitted with contractual conditions that reflect this. Acceptance of the offer then leads to a contract based on these terms. If a company sends its own (e.g., purchasing or delivery) terms and conditions, this is not an acceptance of an offer but is a counter-offer. Typically, such a document cannot be accepted without any changes by the university. Individual contract negotiations may then be required.

If no separate agreement is made, the following terms and conditions of the University of Hohenheim apply.

Terms and conditions for contract research German | English

Terms and conditions for scientific services German | English


Ruben Maier

Start-up Officer
+49 711 459 24048

Armin Stockinger

Lawyer (inventions, industrial property rights/patents)
+49 711 459 24305

Prof. Dr. Julia Fritz-Steuber

Vice President for Research, Early Career Researchers, and Transfer