Time off for educational purposes

University of Hohenheim - Educational institution according to the Time Off for Educational Purposes Act

Since March 2015, employees in Baden-Württemberg have the right to take time off for educational purposes according to the respective Act (BzG BW). For this purpose, up to five days of leave per year may be requested.

Because the University of Hohenheim is recognized as an educational facility according to the BzG, interested employees (not university employees) in Baden-Württemberg can now also take part in the University of Hohenheim’s internal continuing education program if the courses are focused on topics included by the BzG BW and there are still open spots in the courses.

Courses eligible for time off are marked accordingly in the Continuing Education Program.

University members can take part in the internal program events cost-neutrally (usually). Registration is still done using the F.I.T. platform, and participation is counted as working time if not otherwise noted. University employees therefore do not have to take time off for educational purposes to participate in the internal continuing education program.