Workshop for Early Career Investigators “Agroecosystems 2020” | DFG  [04.02.20]

Dear researchers,

we would like to draw your attention to the following workshop of DFG:

Workshop for Early Career Investigators on the topic „Agroecosystems 2020 – Integrated Soil, Plant, Microbiome and Biodiversity Research for Sustainable Land Use“.

The Workshop aims for gaining excellent researchers in an early stage of their career from relevant scientific disciplines, such as soil sciences, rhizosphere research, plant nutrition, plant physiology, crop sciences and agricultural engineering, system modelling and statistics, landscape ecology and microbial ecology to supporting the development of new research projects. Applications are encouraged from early career researchers that are familiar with agricultural sciences and ecosystem topics beyond their specific expertise in the above mentioned disciplines.

First of all, interested early career researchers apply for the participation by submitting a sketch for project proposal. Experts from various fields of research are associated with the Workshop for Early Career Investigators. These experts collect up to 20 applicants for participation in a one-week workshop in early summer 2020. In this workshop, the projects outlines will be presented, discussed and further developed. The full proposals will be individually written and submitted in autumn 2020 by each applicant. The participants of the Workshop for Early Career Investigators will get the opportunity to present their project personally in front of an expert reviewer panel. This research proposal should enable the start in a new research field and should enable the participants to submit a follow up proposal.

Submission by 20 March 2020.

Further information on the submition rules can be found here:

Your Department of Research Promotion

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