Ausschreibung: Internship abroad; Info Event with IAESTE Stuttgart  [16.11.22]

Dear students,

How about working in Brazil, China, Ghana, Spain or one of over 80 countries? We at IAESTE arrange paid internships abroad free of charge for students of technical and natural science courses from the 3rd semester and higher. IAESTE is part of the DAAD (German Academic Exchange Service), so you can get insurance and travel support from them.

If you want to know more about our organization and our application process, we are gladly inviting you to our information event on

Tuesday, November 29th, 2022 on-site at 7:00 p.m in room M 17.23, Keplerstraße 17, 70174 Stuttgart.

Our topics will be:


  • What is IAESTE?
  • Process of internship placement: Pre-application on the IAESTE Exchange Platform, (deadline: 15th of January 2023!) as well as allocation of internship positions for the summer/autumn 2023
  • Experience report from a former intern - time for questions!

In case you can't attend, you can find the most important information on our homepage. If you have any questions, you can always send us an email to or visit us in our office during our weekly meetings on Tuesday evening (7 - 8 p.m.) (please tell us before you come).

We look forward to many of you!

Many greetings, Your IAESTE LC Stuttgart team

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