
Staff mobility: Call for Applications for Lecturer Exchange  [06.09.18]

Call for Applications for Lecturer Exchange between the Robert H. Smith Faculty of Agriculture, Food and Environment of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Campus Rehovot and the University of Hohenheim

The partner universities offer funding to support the exchange of lecturers between the two institutions to further enhance the longstanding cooperation between the two institutions and to promote internationalization of teaching and learning. Each partner may send to the host institution 1-2 lecturers a year for teaching activities at the mutual campus. The funding is provided by the University of Hohenheim and the Robert H. Smith Faculty of Agriculture, Food and Environment of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Campus Rehovot, for a 5-year period from 2017-2021.

Funding Period This call is for lecturer stays in 2018 and 2019.

Eligibility Only faculty members of the University of Hohenheim or the Robert H. Smith Faculty of Agriculture, Food and Environment of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Campus Rehovot, may apply. Lecturers funded under this agreement must hold an appropriate appointment both at the time of application and for the full period covered by the funding. Regarding concurrent grants, the lecturer exchange program will not fund travels for which other funding is secured.

Program Requirements Each partner may send to the host institution 1-2 lecturers a year to teach in a module at the mutual campus for a minimum of one lecture and one scientific seminar. The language of these modules is English. A short report describing the teaching undertaken, the results achieved regarding further research cooperation, and any other information that participants consider helpful is required following completion of the funded teaching stay.

Amount of funding Each lecturer receives funding by his/her respective home university.   For the University of Hohenheim, the expenses will be compensated according to the State Travel Expense Act (Landesreisekostengesetz) Baden-Württemberg up to a maximum sum of 1.500 Euro per lecturer per travel.   For the Robert H. Smith Faculty of Agriculture, Food and Environment the expenses will be up to a maximum sum of 1.500 Euro per lecturer per travel secured from Faculty Member Travel Fund.   All further costs incurred by those qualified as exchange lecturers under this working agreement will be borne by each individual lecturer or the respective home institute. Lecturers shall continue to be paid salary and benefits by the respective home university according to its remuneration policies. Travel expenses for family members, etc. cannot be claimed. The respective home university requires the submission of original receipts (including airline boarding passes) for the claim for travel expenses according the travel policies in place. Participants are responsible for their own accommodation, for their own insurance coverage (health, third-party liability, etc.), immigration and residency requirements, implications for income tax reporting, and so on.

Application Lecturers may apply, preferably as a tandem from both universities, once per year for participation and funds in the exchange program. Applications should be sent to the Director of the Office of International Affairs at the University of Hohenheim, Franziska Schenk.  

Deadline: September 30, 2018 for lecturer stays in 2018 und 2019. Applications can be submitted at a later date if funds are available.

Required documents:

Letter of application including
- the names and institutes of the tandem partners, if applicable
- short description of the planned teaching activities at the UHOH or at Rehovot

Adjudication Successful candidates will be selected by the Deans of Studies of the Faculties of Agricultural and Natural Sciences in Hohenheim together with the Hohenheim program coordinator Professor Thilo Rennert and the Dean of the Faculty of Agriculture, Food and Environment, Rehovot Campus, Professor Shmulik Wolf

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