Student Groups in Hohenheim  [07.09.22]

Do you want to try something new, meet nice people, talk about something that is important to you with people who feel the same way? Then find out about the thirty different student groups at the university and see if this might be something for you:)

Student Groups in Hohenheim 

The students’ groups at the University of Hohenheim consist of a group with a minimum of seven students. Those groups are voluntarily, and all members can invest the time they have and want to invest. It is important though that as a member you made a commitment to this group because goals and concepts of the group want to be realized and accomplished. This is a space where you have the possibility to meet people with similar interests, exchange opinions but also learn and flourish as a person and an individual. It is important to understand that the thoughts and content shared by those groups in their social media not necessarily reflects the opinion of the University. There are different requirements that must be followed to create a group and the recognition of a student group must be granted by the student parliament AStA. There is a vast range of groups - religious, ecological, economic, social, and political. Officially there are 30 listed groups.  

Some of them are listed here:


The abbreviation stands for: Association Internationale des Etudiants en Sciences Economiques et Commerciales and is an international student association that is present in more than 130 countries and universities. Every student can be part of the organization. The main purpose of AIESEC is to develop leadership and the intercultural exchange between young people through volunteering and joining internship programs abroad. For example, you could be part of the local committee in this case it is the AIESEC Stuttgart. With your membership you will take on different positions within the organization, gain practical experience in various areas and get to know the structures of an international organization along the way. Another possibility would be to make a volunteer stay abroad for 6 weeks or an internship for up to one year and take part of the local committee of the university that will host you abroad.


Instagram: @aiesec_in_stuttgart


GREENING Hohenheim  

This group is very international, and the meetings are held in English, as well as the communication between the members. The main goal of this group is to “green” the campus, for this matter they are organizing different events to help make the campus more sustainable and protect the environment. Some of the activities are collecting garbage around the campus, environmental related workshops, collection of old pens and recycling campaigns. There are also activities related to the wellbeing of students, i.e., yoga classes, coffee repair (a meeting to learn to fix things but also to chat and have some food) or hiking trips. Currently they meet every Friday at 4 pm in the AStA group room (Kirchnerstr. 5, entrance in the direction of the bus stop).



Instagram: greeninghohenheim  


ISO – International Student Organization Hohenheim  

This organization is dedicated specially to organize activities for international students in Hohenheim. They organize trips, parties, events, meetings and many more. As an international student you can participate in these activities. When you have been at the university for more than one semester you can also become part of the buddy program. The buddy program consists in assigning you to a new incoming international student so you can help them with their first steps at the university, German bureaucracy or how to get around Stuttgart. The most important thing about this group is that you can get connected with other international and German students and simultaneously get to know the German culture.  



Instagram: @isohohenheim  


FRESH – Food Revitalization & Eco-Gastronomic Society of Hohenheim  

FRESH is a student organization that aims to make students more aware of what they are eating. Their main goal is to depict what impact the food we eat everyday has on our landscapes, livelihoods, and culture. Therefore, they organize events related to this e.g., workshops, conferences, trips. There is also a garden on the campus that is organized by the group. With FRESH you will have the opportunity to learn to be more conscious about food waste and about ways and places to save food.


Instagram: fresh_hohenheim  



The name is composed of Respect, Tolerance and Queer. The group wants to provide a space for exchange between queer and explicitly non-queer people. Everyone who wants to stand up for more tolerance is welcome to join. Also, they see themselves as a point of contact to assist those who have problems dealing with their sexual orientation or gender and to catch them in this group. They organize trips, game nights, workshops, political discussions and more. Currently they meet every second Tuesday at 6 pm at S 09.

Instagram: re2queer



AKÖ – Arbeitskreis Ökologischer Landbau

The organic farming group deals with all subjects around organic agriculture and alternatives in agriculture and environment. The main objective is to bring students together through the organization of lectures, practical workshops, and excursions. For this reason, they meet every week to organize and to decide the topics and coordination of the events. Besides of the organization and taking care of the realization of the activities, this group also intends to create a space for the members to meet, chat and do something else besides attending lectures. This will give you the opportunity to meet new people with similar interest as yours.  



Instagram: akoekolandbau 


AIMS- Agricultural International Master Students  

This group is representing all the international students from the agricultural masters' programs in Hohenheim. Its values are based on equality, integration, and diversity. It intends to create a bridge of communication between the students of different master's degrees in agriculture to discuss similar worries, ideas, and issues. It as well intends to create a more international environment on the University with the goal to have intercultural exchange. They meet every Monday during the semester at 7 pm in room S 07 in the castle of Hohenheim. Every Agricultural International Master Student is invited to join.



The Muslim Students Group Hohenheim (MSGH) 

This group intends to get together Muslims from different backgrounds, provide accessible services in order to meet their spiritual needs and promote intercultural and interreligious dialogue at the University of Hohenheim. To this end they organize multicultural events, educational programs, spiritual practices and religious meetings. All students and university members with varied levels in their own faith, religious knowledge or nationality are invited to join them. They also encourage non-Muslim students to attend their social and religious events.





Check out all the student groups at Hohenheim on the Hohenheim website: 

Student groups are a particularly effective way to meet new people, grow as an individual but also have a break from your studies so do not hesitate to contact them and join them - everybody is welcome!  

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