Food Footprint  [07.09.22]

Curios about sustainable and local shopping possibilities as well as zero-waste shops around Hohenheim? Then check out this additional blog entry for the latest podcast episode.

Food Footprint

The Foodprint refers to the environmental impacts caused by the food needs of individuals, organizations, and geopolitical entities. For more information also check out our latest Podcast episode. Here are some information on how you can reduce your Foodprint while your time in Hohenheim.

Zero waste shops around Hohenheim

Anna’s Lädle

Anna's Lädle is a small zero waste shop in the heart of Plieningen. The assortment includes dry foods such as rice, pasta, flours, sweets, and spices, as well as cleaning and cosmetic products, drinks and a vegetable and fruit corner. In addition, the store has tables to sit and drink coffee. Remember to bring your own Tupperware, bags or similar.  

Adress: Filderhauptstraße 14, 70599 Stuttgart

Opening Hours: Mon, Thu, Fri 9 am – 2 pm and 4 pm – 7 pm and Tue, Wed, Sat 9 am – 2 pm, Son closed

Directions: Starting at bus stop Universität Hohenheim you can take every bus that goes via Plieningen (5 min) to Plieningen Post.

Tante Filda

Another zero-waste store is located about 2.6 km from Hohenheim in Filderstadt. The assortment includes coffee, tea, muesli, seeds and nuts, dry goods and supplements, spices and spreadable foods, as well as household, cleaning and hygiene products and containers. Tante Filda also has a website with information about the assortment and other interesting information: Tante Filda Assortment. There is also an extra page for English speakers: Tante Filda English and an Instagram channel: tante.filda.

Adress: Bernhäuser Hauptstr. 32, 70794 Filderstadt

Opening Hours: Mon closed, Tue 3 pm – 6 pm, Wed + Sat 8 am –1 pm and Thu + Fri 8 am – 1 pm and 3 pm – 6 pm

Directions: Starting at the bus stop Universität Hohenheim take the 76 (direction Echterdingen Bahnhof) to Bernhausen Hauptstraße in about 15 min.

Tante M.  

Tante M. is also a zero-waste store in Sillenbuch, about 4.5 km away. The store also has an informative website with information about the edible (Tante M. Food Assortment) and non-edible (Tante M. Non-Food Assortment) assortment and an in-house café with freshly prepared pastries every day. In addition, Auntie M. also has an Instagram channel: tante.m.unverpackt.  

Adress: Eduard-Steinle-Str. 6, 70619 Stuttgart

Opening Hours: Mon + Tue 9 am – 6 pm, Wed + Sat 9 am – 6 pm and Thu + Fri 9 am – 2 pm

Directions: Start at the bus stop Universität Hohenheim with the 65 (direction Obertürkheim Bahnhof) to get to Spaichinger Straße in about 13 min.

Imker Pabels Honigstube

The small store in the middle of Plieningen directly at the Plieningen Post stop offers regional and also unpackaged products. On the store's own detailed website, online ordering is also possible: Imker Pabels Website.   

Adress: Filderhauptstr. 45, 70599 Stuttgart

Opening Hours: Mon + Wed closed, Tue, Thu + Fri 9 am – 1 pm and 2 pm – 6 pm and Sat 9 am – 12.30 pm  

Directions: Starting at bus stop Universität Hohenheim you can take every bus that goes via Plieningen (5 min) to Plieningen Post.

Farmer markets and stores around Hohenheim

Unofficial Weekly market of Plieningen  

The unofficial weekly market of Plieningen always takes place on Saturdays opposite the Honigstube or Netto-City. Fresh and regional vegetables are offered here.   

Adress: Filderhauptstraße, 70599 Stuttgart (opposite to Netto City)  

Opening Hours: Sat 9 am – 12.30 pm Directions: Starting at bus stop Universität Hohenheim you can take every bus that goes via Plieningen (5 min) to Plieningen Post.

Demeter farm store Maier  

The Demeter farm store Maier is located just outside Plieningen by the fields. Here you can find fresh fruit and vegetables, as well as eggs, sausage, cheese and other regionally produced food.

Adress: Halden 1, 70599 Stuttgart

Opening Hours: Di + Fr 2.30 pm – 6 pm

Directions: From the bus stop Universität Hohenheim take the 70 (direction Plieningen Seemühlenweg) to the end station Seemühlenweg (15 min) and then walk 10 minutes along a dirt road.

Schwaiger farm store Birkach

The Schwaiger farm store in Birkach offers regional fruit and vegetables, as well as fresh baked goods, drinks, fresh products such as yogurt, cheese, sausage, and others. You can read more on the website: Schwaiger Farm Store Birkach.

Adress: Törlesäckerstraße 12, 70599 Stuttgart

Opening Hours: Tue + Fri 2.30 pm – 6 pm and Sat 9 am – 12.30 pm

Directions: Starting at the bus stop Universität Hohenheim you can take any bus via Birkach to bus stop Birkheckenstraße (5 min).

Sustainable student groups and initiatives on campus

FRESH = Food Revitalisation & Eco-Gastronomic Society of Hohenheim

FRESH is a student organization that aims to make students more aware of what they are eating. Their main goal is to depict what impact the food we eat everyday has on our landscapes, livelihoods, and culture. Therefore, they organize events related to this e.g., workshops, conferences, trips. Check out their Facebook page for more information: FRESH Facebook Page.  

Initiative Bodenschätze

An initiative of FRESH is the project Bodenschätze, here you buy a bag for 7.50 € with products that are no longer "nice" enough for the supermarket. Bags are filled with vegetables, among other things. Pick-up times will be announced on the university website of FRESH as well as on social media (FRESH Facebook Page). You must sign up in advance to purchase a bag: Bodenschätze University of Hohenheim.  

Initiative Food Fritz and Fairteiler

The Food Fritz is another initiative of FRESH, here you can give away food and other things that you no longer need or use or put them in a designated refrigerator (for example, when moving). The Food Fritz is located in the AStA building behind the Mensa.   

Adress: Kirchnerstraße 5 (Alte Botanik), 70599 Stuttgart

The Food Fritz is also part of the food sharing offer Fairteiler. On the map you will find Fairteiler, which are shelves or refrigerators where you can pick up or drop off food for free.

Greening Hohenheim  

The main goal of this group is to “green” the campus, for this matter they are organizing different events to help make the campus more sustainable and protect the environment. Some of the activities are collecting garbage around the campus, environmental related workshops, collection of old pens and recycling campaigns. Check out their Facebook page:GREENING Hohenheim Facebook Page.

Global Campus

Global Campus is a student group where you can share how to respond to globalization and make the world a little fairer.

Initiative Fairtrade machines

An initiative of the Global Campus group are the Fairtrade machines, where you can buy Fairtrade snacks in the university libraries. Fairtrade advocates for fair working conditions and fair wages for farmers and production facilities. Here is the link to the Global Campus Facebook page: Global Campus Facebook Page.

Environmental department Hohenheim

This is a department of the student body AStA, which deals with climate change, reduction of CO2 emissions and plastic waste, and for example also works together with the Mensa.



Cafe Raupe Immersatt

This is a sustainable cafe in Stuttgart West, which provides rescued food to eat on site or take away for free and sells regional and sustainable drinks for a small donation. This is possible through, for example, bakeries, restaurants, catering companies or private individuals. The cafe shares rescued food unconditionally and make it available to all. If you have leftover food, you can drop it off there as well. More information about the concept can be found here: Raupe Immersatt Website.

Adress: Johannesstraße 97, 70176 Stuttgart

Opening Hours: Wed – Mon 10 am – 11 pm and Tue closed

Directions: From the bus stop Universität Hohenheim you can take bus 70 (direction Ruhbank) to Ruhbank and change there to the U7 (direction Mönchfeld). Take it to Charlottenplatz and then change to the U4 (direction Hölderlinplatz) and get off at Hölderlinplatz. Travel time is about 45 minutes.


EDEKA Initiative “Jetzt wird gerettet

EDEKA stores have a promotion called "Jetzt wird gerettet" (Engl: “Now we save”), where food is offered that will soon reach the best-before date or would otherwise no longer be sold in the normal way. "Now we save" - articles are strongly reduced in the price.  

Penny Initiative “Grüner Weg”

The Penny discount store also runs a "Green Way" campaign of this kind. Food with a short shelf life is offered at reduced prices.

Karte von Morgen

The initiative Map of Tomorrow shows organic stores, educational initiatives, social meeting places or even community gardens near you with the help of an interactive map. For more information check out the website Karte von Morgen Website EN.


TooGoodToGo App

Another way to save and avoid leftovers is the app TooGoodToGo. You can download it from the AppStore and reserve and pick up leftovers from bakeries, restaurants, hotels or supermarkets in your area. The food is heavily discounted and prepaid via the app. Pickup is possible at all stores that are registered with TooGoodToGo and participate. These include, for example, EDEKA, Alnatura, Mercure Hotel (including Airport Messe Stuttgart), Dean&David or Dunkin’ Donuts. Another tip: If you i.e., want breakfast for the next day you can also pre-order it via the app (if something is available) and pick it up the next day at a specified time.

Other method - Dumpster Diving

Dumpster Diving is in fact illegal but usually the people that do it do not face any legal consequences. But why would they do it? Because food is thrown out even though it is still good to eat.

How can I make a change?

1) Check your consumption behaviour.  

What do you buy? What do you really consume? And what could be reduced or avoided to be thrown away?

2) Donate food.

Do you have leftover food that you will not eat but it is still good? Do you have shrink-wrapped food or food stored in cans? Bring it to the Tafel (food bank), Fairteiler (Food Fritz), Raupe Immersatt etc.

3) Use offers of food saver organisations or food saving apps.

Use the Fairteiler map or TooGoodToGo and save food for a low price.

4) Separate waste properly and recycle.

To understand waste separation in Germany check out our blog entry on News4Internationals Blog.  

5) Turn in your returnable bottles.

You not only get some money back, but also do something for the environment.

6) Be politically active on individual, local or global levels.

7) Go to demonstrations and make personal changes. 

It is never to late to make a change!:)

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