This Week's News - week 13  [30.03.12]

From March 30, 2012

High marketing potential: Readers of street newspaper "Trott-war" have strong buying power

Those wanting to put an ad in the classifieds should try using the street newspaper. Business students in Hohenheim are currently developing a new concept for acquisition & sales.

For the birds: Researchers' critique of useless rules to stop gaming addiction

The state of Baden-Württemberg is planning to regulate amusement arcades and betting shops. At a conference held at the University of Hohenheim on Thursday, researchers picked apart the government proposed plans.

From March 29, 2012

Attacking the energy source: Research project explores cholera's Achilles heel

A current research project being conducted at the University of Hohenheim is helping to make medicine to combat the deadly form of diarroeha a reality.

From March 27, 2012


Honour ceremony: Future president, Prof. Dr. Dabbert receives chain of office

It was a festive ceremony attended by the minister of science, Theresia Bauer. Tenure begins on April 1, 2012. Press photos and speech at

From March 26, 2012

For more animal & consumer protection: Agricultural scientists pushing for more research

Practical approaches and long-term visions: That is what animal protection requires according to Germany’s agricultural scientists speaking at the specialists’ convention on farm animals at the University of Hohenheim. A strategy paper is planned for the end of May.

Text: O'Mealy

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