This Week's News - week 15  [13.04.12]

From April 12, 2012

Conservation and Bioenergy: Ecologists observe plant diversity levels among non-food crop fields

Disappointing!: Conservationalists were counting on more plant diversity thanks to bioenergy. But until now, only corn has managed to gain a strong foothold, and a monoculture at that. The impact of non-food crops on gentic diversity is currently being examined by a landscape ecologist of the University of Hohenheim. Read the full artidle (in German).

From April 10, 2012

2012 - Growing together: Studium generale also to focus on the concept of expansion

With regards to the keyword "growth", Studium generale will be illuminating 3 of humanity's key questions. "What are our roots?", "Where have we arrived at?", "What end are we striving towards?". These are the questions which researchers of the University in collaboration with guest scientists will be examining. All lectures are geared to the general public. Read the full article (in German).

Kicking off in summer term: "Humboldt reloaded" offers research from the get go

Out of the lecture hall and into the world of research: the 8-million-euro project Humboldt reloaded seeks to win over students of the University of hohenheim for doing research. With the motto "research what's taught and learn what is researched", 90 individual projects are already underway. All departments are on board and everyone can benefit. Read the full article (in German).

Text: O'Mealy

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