DAAD-Stibet Scholarship Announcement for International Students and Doctoral students  [06.03.23]

The Office of International Affairs awards a limited number of scholarships for international students and doctoral students with an international higher education entrance qualification (Bildungsausländer) within the frameworkof the DAAD scholarship and guidance-counselling programme STIBET.


These are as follows:


Graduation scholarships (Studienabschluss-Stipendien)


Short-term scholarships (Kurzzeit-Stipendien mit Betreuungsleistung)


These scholarships aim to support foreign students who are, through no fault of their own, facing financial difficulties to enable them to concentrate on their studies and successfully finish their degree programme.


Applicants for a short-term scholarship are expected to provide support to other foreign students in co-operation with the Office of International Affairs.


Qualified to submit an application are regular (degree-seeking) international students enrolled in one of our bachelor or master degree programmes who have successfully finished at least the first year of study at the University of Hohenheim and those students who will complete their studies with good results in the current year. Doctoral students can also apply.


Criteria for the selection of applicants are as follows:


strong academic performance


financial need/hardship


social commitment and/or student involvement in university life are welcome


The following application documents are required:


a statement of motivation including details regarding previous scholarships and explaining the current financial situation (part time jobs, etc.)


a detailed curriculum vitae illustrating your previous studies


current transcript of records (Notenspiegel)


a recommendation letter from a Hohenheim professor and, respectively, a letter from the

supervisor of your thesis detailing the current state and the expected progress of the thesis


The scholarships will be awarded by a selection committee on the basis of the quality of the applications whereby particular consideration is given to the current study achievements. Students who have self-financed their studies up to now by working are especially qualified for the scholarships.

Incomplete applications cannot be taken into consideration!


Complete applications can be submitted at the Office of International Affairs by March 31, 2023. Email address: degreestudents@verwaltung.uni-hohenheim.de

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