Invitation: Hohenheim Alumni Talks Vol. II - international M.Sc. programs  [25.11.21]


Dear students, dear alumni, dear colleagues,

I am happy to present the program of the next round of The Hohenheim Alumni Talks Series via Zoom for November and December 2021!

Each week one of our former students will share their career story with us, tell us about the job they are currently doing, about how they found it, what skills are needed, and other information that will be interesting for our future graduates. All participants will have the chances to ask questions and to interact with the speakers.

The presentation will be done via Zoom, so that every interested person can join it, and it will last approximately 1 – 1,5 hours.

The four presentations until end of the year will cover graduates of AgEcon, Crop Sciences and Eur-Organic.
The participants will have the chance to ask questions and can use the opportunity for networking.

Join us via Zoom:

Meeting-ID: 883 5686 4900
Kenncode: yHr9RP

More information and all following speakers can be found in the program.

We look forward to hearing about the experiences of our graduates and to seeing you all in the meetings!

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