3rd edition of the “Global Food Venture Programme”, an educational offer of EIT Food to doctoral candidates  [17.02.20]

Deadline for applications April 05, 2020

3rd edition of the “Global Food Venture Programme”, an educational offer of EIT Food to doctoral candidates from European and H2020 associated countries


The programme aims to boost the entrepreneurial and business creation skills of doctoral candidates, in order to tackle challenges of our food system.  



  • Bespoke training curriculum in business creation & entrepreneurship
  • Bootcamps in key innovation ecosystems
  • Mobility grants for individuals
  • Innovation prizes
  • Access to EIT Food partner network
  • Online educational resources  


Participation is fully covered by EIT Food and free of charge for the students.

There are two open calls for applications in 2020: GFVP Stage I and Stage II


Programme`s description

Idea Development – GFVP Stage I

40 highly motivated doctoral candidates from across Europe will get together for a life-changing, immersive entrepreneurial experience in Madrid to learn the fundamentals of entrepreneurship and develop business propositions in the food space.


  • 10 day Summer School in Madrid
  • Mentoring by an EIT Food partner
  • Mobility grants  


Business pre-Incubation – GFVP Stage II

25 doctoral candidates with solid business ideas in food & agtech will be selected for a bootcamp in Lausanne and coached over a period of 6 months to bring their idea to next level. Best projects will join a 2nd bootcamp in Europe and our final pitch competition with innovation prize awards!


  • 1 week Pre-Incubation Bootcamp in Lausanne
  • 1 week immersion Bootcamp in key European ecosystem
  • Mentoring by an EIT Food partner
  • 1 day Final Event with pitch competition and innovation prizes by the EIT Food  


Deadline for applications April 05, 2020 Find out more and apply on: www.eitfood.eu/education/projects/global-food-venture-programme-2020 For any further information, do not hesitate to contact us. Chryssa Dimaki, Activity Lead (dimaki@zv.tum.de)    

We look forward to applications from your institute!  


With kind regards Kathrin Söllner

TUMentrepreneurship | Global Food Venture programme  

Technical University of Munich

TUM ForTe – Office for Research and Innovation

Arcisstraße 21

80333 Munich/Germany

Tel. +49 89 289 22652 Fax +49 89 289 25245


Monday – Thursday 9am – 2pm  

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