Blog-Archiv: News4Internationals

How to Find a Doctor in Germany. [01.08.2022]

Studying in a foreign country is challenging and exhausting. No one wants to get sick - it happens to the best. But don't worry, here is everything you need to know about finding a doctor here in Hohenheim.mehr

Beautiful LÄND: "Nett hier, aber waren Sie schon mal in Baden-Württemberg?" [22.07.2022]

We feel like "Nett hier, aber waren Sie schon mal in Baden-Württemberg" is on the best way to become a meme soon! And it is true - go and explore what beautiful things The Länd has to offer - besides the most beautiful campus in Germany, of course. mehr

Hit the pool! [12.07.2022]

You really need to cool down? You can! We'll tell you where!mehr

Why you should get the 9€ ticket asap. [11.06.2022]

What? How? Who? When? Where? We have the answers to all your questions and even recommendations where to go! #Regional&Seasonalmehr

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