Publikationen: Dr. habil. Ewald Sieverding

Titel Jahr Publikationsart Autoren
Ambispora reticulata, a new species in the Glomeromycota from mountainous areas in Switzerland and Chile
Journal of Applied Botany and Food Quality
2013 Zeitschriftenbeitrag Oehl, F., Castillo, C., Schneider, D., Sàle, V., Sieverding, E.
Solubilization of iron and calcium phoshates by soil fungi isolated from coffee plantations
Archives of Agronomy and Soil Science
2013 Zeitschriftenbeitrag Posada, R.H., Heredia-Abarca, G., Sieverding, E., Sánchez de Prager, M.
Acaulospora punctata, a new fungal species in the Glomeromycetes from mountainous altiudes of the Swiss Alps and Chilean Andes
Nova Hedwigia
2011 Zeitschriftenbeitrag (peer-reviewed) Oehl, F., da Silva, G.A., Palenzuela, J., Sánchez-Castro, I., Castillo, C., Sieverding, E.
Glomeromycota: Three new genera and glomoid species reorganized
2011 Zeitschriftenbeitrag (peer-reviewed) Oehl, F., da Silva, G.A., Goto, B.T., Sieverding, E.
Glomeromycota: Two new classes and a new order
2011 Zeitschriftenbeitrag (peer-reviewed) Oehl, F., da Silva, G.A., Goto, B.T., Maia, L.C., Sieverding, E.
New recombinations in Glomeromycota
2011 Zeitschriftenbeitrag (peer-reviewed) Oehl, F., da Silva, G.A., Goto, B.T., Sieverding, E.
Revision of Glomeromycetes with entrophosporoid and glomoid spore formation with three new genera
2011 Zeitschriftenbeitrag (peer-reviewed) Oehl, F., da Silva, G.A., Palenzuela, J., Sánchez-Castro, I., Goto, B.T., (.....), Sieverding, E.
Succession of arbuscular mycorrhizal communities in the foreland of the retreating Morteratsch glacier in the Central Alps
2011 Zeitschriftenbeitrag (peer-reviewed) Oehl, F., Schneider, D., Sieverding, E.
Current arbuscular mycorrhizal inoculum production and application technologies
Networks of Power and Influence
2010 Kongressbeitrag Sieverding E.
Diversity of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi in horticultural production systems of Southern Chile.
J. Soil Sci. Plant Nutr.
2010 Zeitschriftenbeitrag Castillo C., Rubio R., Borie F. and Sieverding E.
Soil type and land use intensity determine the composition of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungal communities.
Soil Biology & Biochemistry
2010 Zeitschriftenbeitrag Oehl F., Laczko E., Bogenrieder A., Stahr K., Bösch R., Heijden van der M. and Sieverding E.
Biodiversity of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi in roots and soils of two salt marches.
Environmental Microbiology
2009 Zeitschriftenbeitrag Wilde, P., Manal A., Stodden M., Sieverding, E. Hildebrandt, U., Bothe H.
Distinct sporulation dynamics of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungal communities from different agroecosystems in long-term microcosms.
Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment
2009 Zeitschriftenbeitrag Oehl F., Sieverding E., Ineichen K., Mäder P., Wiemken A. and Boller T.
Evolution and history of mycorrhiza.
Landscape Magazine U.A.E.
2008 Zeitschriftenbeitrag Sieverding E.
Mycorrhiza and water management in crops, lawn and turf.
Landscape Magazine U.A.E.
2008 Zeitschriftenbeitrag Sieverding E.
The importance of mycorrhiza for palms.
Landscape Magazine U.A.E.
2008 Zeitschriftenbeitrag Sieverding E.
The vital choice for greening dry areas.
Landscape Magazine U.A.E.
2008 Zeitschriftenbeitrag Sieverding E.