Urban Agriculture for Growing City Regions. Connecting Urban-Rural Spheres in Casablanca
- Publikations-Art
- Buch / Monografie
- Autoren
- Undine Giseke, Maria Gerster-Bentaya, Frank Helten, Matthias Kraume, Dieter Scherer, Guido Spars, Fouad Amraoui, Abdelaziz Adidi, Said Berdouz, Mohemed Chlaida, Majid Mansour, Mohamed Mdafai
- Erscheinungsjahr
- 2015
- Verlag
- Routledge
- 978-0-415-82501-6
- Schlagworte
- Aktionsforschung, Stadtentwicklung, Transdiszipliarität, Urbane Landwirtschaft
Urban Agriculture for Growing City Regions takes the example of Casablanca, one of the fastest growing cities in North Africa, to investigate this approach. The creation of synergies between the urban and rural in an emerging megacity is demonstrated through pilot projects, design solutions, and multifunctional modules. These synergies assure greater resource efficiency; particularly regarding the use and reuse of water, and they strengthen regional food security and the social integration of multiple spheres. A transdisciplinary research approach brings together different scientific disciplines and local actors into a process of integrated knowledge production. The book will have a long lasting legacy and is essential reading for researchers, planners, practitioners and policy makers who are working on urban development and urban agricultural strategies.
Beteiligte Personen
Beteiligte Einrichtungen
- Institut für Sozialwissenschaften des Agrarbereichs
- Fg. Kommunikation und Beratung in ländlichen Räumen