Beautiful LÄND: "Nett hier, aber waren Sie schon mal in Baden-Württemberg?"  [22.07.22]

We feel like "Nett hier, aber waren Sie schon mal in Baden-Württemberg" is on the best way to become a meme soon! And it is true - go and explore what beautiful things The Länd has to offer - besides the most beautiful campus in Germany, of course.

Yay, the semester break has arrived! This is the perfect opportunity for you to go and explore what Baden-Württemberg has to offer - besides the most beautiful campus in Germany. To make things even better, the 9€ ticket gives you enough time to travel to our Top 5 of cities in Baden-Württemberg - cheap and climate-neutral! Always bring your student ID – many attractions have reduced student prices!

 Heidelberg – The most Beautiful City in Germany? The beautiful city of Heidelberg is located 130 km northwest of Hohenheim next to the river Neckar. Heidelberg is certainly most famous for its castle and for its famous Alte Brücke (old bridge). The oldest part of the castle dates back to 808, but new buildings have been added to it over the centuries. Today you can still admire the different building eras. The terrace of the castle is also a great location for a souvenir photo. In addition to the apothecary museum, the castle also houses a huge wine barrel with a capacity of 219,000 litres. If you want to see the city from a different point of view, you can visit the viewpoint Königstuhl at an altitude of 568m or walk to the viewpoint Scheffelterrasse near the castle. If you do not feel like walking, you can reach the castle as well as the Königsstuhl via cable car. The city itself has an over 800-year-old Old Town where you can find lots of shops, fancy restaurants, and infamous bars. Heidelberg is also a student city with five higher education institutions: the University of Heidelberg, the University of Education, the SRH private university, the College for Jewish Studies, and the College for Church Music. Insider tip: Find the Studentenkarzer. Students who behaved inappropriately were imprisoned there for a day or two up until the beginning of the 20th century. Today, it is a museum. You can travel to Heidelberg by train, which takes between one and two hours (depending on the connection) if you use short distance trains only. By car it will take about one and a half hours.  

Ulm – The City with the Highest Church Tower in the World The city of Ulm, with its newest districts spreading over two federal states, is located about 80 km southeast of Hohenheim next to the river Donau. Ulm is partly located in Baden-Württemberg and partly in Bavaria. It is home to the highest church tower in the world, the Ulmer Münster, whose construction started in 1377. It measures a height of 162 m. If you feel up to it, walk up the 768! steps to the viewpoint overlooking Ulm at 141m. The city also has a beautiful old town and city hall. Visit the Fischer- and Gerberviertel that lies besides the Blau and the Donau and contains many restaurants and little shops, as well as the world’s most crooked hotel. Wander around the botanical garden or go to the Tiergarten with its diverse collection of animals and water creatures. Travelling to Ulm by train takes you around one hour, the same applies to the journey by car.  

Tübingen –  A Journey to the Middle Ages Traveling only 37 km to the south, the little student town of Tübingen lays just around the corner of Hohenheim. Almost 30.000 of the 91.000 inhabitants of Tübingen are students of the 545-year-old Eberhard-Karls-University. The city is located next to the Neckar and holds activities like riding on a Stocherkahn, taking a dip or just stroll along the river. Stocherkähne (similar to Venetian boats) were originally used by fishermen but were later adopted as part of the student culture and are nowadays a typical touristic attraction when visiting the city. Tübingen holds an Old Town with a spectacular marketplace with half-timbered houses and the city hall with its astronomic clock. If you are curious, visit Hohentübingen castle or explore the botanical gardens. Close by you can find the Kloster und Schloss Bebenhausen, a monastery and palace founded in the late 12th century. Public transportation to Tübingen and Bebenhausen takes about 50 – 60min from Stuttgart main station (regional train) or 40 – 50min from Stuttgart Airport (bus 828). If you travel by car, it will take you approximately 40 minutes.  

Konstanz – The City to the Lake Mountain scenery and turquoise waters? Visit Konstanz! The city is located at Lake Constance in the very south of Germany. Lake Constance is the biggest lake in Germany sharing borders with Switzerland and Austria, and two German federal states. Due to the lake’s location in a three-border area make sure that your phone does not connect to the Swiss network and charge you with a high roaming fee. Konstanz’s history goes back over 1.000 years, today it owns a beautiful Old Town, a port and the Imperia Statue. The statue shows a 9 m high lightly-clad woman holding an imperial crown and a royal orb, rotating around its own axis. Imperia is meant to ridicule patriarchy and mistresses’ rule in church and politics. If you like visit the island of Mainau next to Konstanz, which also called the flower island. Insider tip: for less than 13 € you can travel by ferry in the Upper Lake Constance (takes around 3h for the whole trip) and visit pile dwellings in Unteruhldingen (just get off the ferry in time J). The lake holds many possibilities for swimming and other water sports activities. The distance between Hohenheim and Konstanz is 180 km. If traveling with public transportation, you will need over two and a half hours (9 € ticket), by car it takes approximately 2 hours.  But it’s worth it.  

Freiburg – The City of the Black Forest If you got some time to spare, go and visit Freiburg, the city surrounded by the Black Forest 210 km south-west of Stuttgart. The over 900-year-old city holds sights like the Freiburger Münster (116m), the Freiburger Bächle in the Old Town, the Colombisschlössle and the Seepark Betzenhausen. The small drains called Bächle you will find all over town, were created around the 12th century mainly for water supply and fire prevention. Nowadays Freiburger:innen warn you to be careful when staying in Freiburg because if one does step into one of the Bächle they must marry a Freiburger:in. The city is home to 30.000 students (230.000 inhabitants) in over 200-degree programs. If you like theme parks, visit the Europa-Park located 40 km north of Freiburg. If you are into hiking, have a look at the diverse range of hiking trails in and around Freiburg. The city is very close to the Swiss (70 km) and French (110 km) border, too! If traveling by train it will take you around three hours to get to Freiburg (9 € ticket). When you drive by car you will need around 2 and a half hours.


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