Best Global Universities Ranking 2022:
University of Hohenheim Remains No. 1 in Agricultural Research & Food Sciences  [07.12.21]

The U.S. News & World Repor ranking lists the University of Hohenheim as no. 1 in Germany / no. 7 in Europe, and no. 34 worldwide / Top position in all rankings

Once again Germany's no. 1 in agricultural research as well as food and nutritional science: The University of Hohenheim in Stuttgart. It remains in 7th place in Europe and comes in 34th place worldwide. This is the result of the latest Best Global Universities ranking by the U.S. magazine U.S. News & World Report in cooperation with Clarivate. As a result, the University of Hohenheim continues to rank no. 1 in Germany in the major international research rankings in the field of agricultural research. Detailed results

The University of Hohenheim's food and nutritional sciences also contributed to the good result in the area of "Agricultural Sciences," as their research performance is classified as agricultural sciences in the Best Global Universities Ranking.

The Best Global Universities Ranking has been published annually since 2014. Institutions from more than 90 countries are evaluated on the basis of 11 indicators that assess academic research performance and international reputation.

The excellent position of the University of Hohenheim in Germany has also been also confirmed this year by the other renowned international rankings:


  • The renowned research ranking of the National Taiwan University (NTU Ranking) listed the university as no. 1 in Germany, no. 8 in Europe, and no. 27 in the world. Each year, the NTU evaluates all international scientific publications for the globally respected ranking, assessing their number and quality. The latest issue was published in September 2021.

  • The influential QS World University Ranking by Subject lists the University of Hohenheim’s agricultural research including food science 1st in Germany, 8th in Europe, and 18th worldwide. The analysis by QS Quacquarelli Symonds, a British education provider, annually ranks the best universities primarily by research strength and examines factors such as academic reputation, publications, and citations of individual publications. The most recent subject ranking was published in March 2021.

  • In the area of Life Sciences, the University also made it into the top 300 universities in the world in the THE Ranking by Subject 2022 of the magazine "Times Higher Education" (THE). With the group placement #251-300 the University of Hohenheim is in the top third of the 972 life sciences universities ranked. According to the THE Ranking, the life sciences include agricultural sciences, biology, veterinary medicine, and sports science.

European and global leaders have excellent networks

The environment in which the University of Hohenheim finds itself is among the best in agricultural research. Since 2018, it has been associated with five leading European universities in the field of bioeconomy in the European Bioeconomy University (EBU) network. Three of the partners - Wageningen University and Research Center in the Netherlands, the University of Bologna in Italy, and the University of Natural Resources and Applied Life Sciences Vienna in Austria - are the best in their respective countries in the field of agricultural research.

The best dozen in Europe include Wageningen University and Research Center (WUR, Netherlands), the University of Copenhagen (Denmark), and the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU, Sweden). The University of Hohenheim has long cooperated closely with these universities within the Euroleague of Life Sciences. The network is made up of joint study programs and intensive exchange of students and lecturers.

The partnership with the global leaders is also close. For example, the University of Hohenheim and the China Agricultural University have cooperated for several decades.

Top Universities in Agricultural Research & Food Sciences in Germany, Europe, and the World (Source: Best Global Universities Ranking)

1. University of Hohenheim
2. Technical University of Munich
3. University of Göttingen
4. University of Bonn
5. Universität Gießen

1. University of Wageningen (Netherlands)
2. University of Valencia (Spain)
3. University of Ghent (Belgium)
4. University of Copenhagen (Denmark)
5. University College Dublin (Ireland)
6. University of Bologna (Italy)
7. University of Hohenheim

1. University of Wageningen (Netherlands)
2. China Agricultural University (China)
3. South China University of Technology (China)
4. Jiangnan University (China)
5. University of Massachusetts – Amherst (USA)

34. University of Hohenheim

Additional information

Text: Elsner

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