CHE University Ranking:
Outstanding Range of Courses in Business Administration and Economics  [09.05.23]

Excellent Report for the Range of Courses in Business and Economics offered by the University of Hohenheim / prospective Students can inform Themselves at the Bachelor’s Information Day on 12. May 2023

Exceptional for the quality in range of courses, the support for first-year Students and the career guidance: In the ranking published today by the Centre for Higher Education Development (CHE), students at the University of Hohenheim in Stuttgart gave top ratings for 13 of 14 indicators. Students who are currently thinking about going to the university can see for themselves this week. On the Bachelor Info Day on 12 May, the University of Hohenheim will present its range of courses with lectures, information booths and campus tours.

The first-class range of courses is already noticeable at the beginning of the studies: The University of Hohenheim excelled in the fact-based indicator “support at the beginning of studies.” Excellent grades with the maximum amount of possible points were given in the fields of "competence alignment / competence building," "orientation," and "support / advising."

The Center for Higher Education Development (CHE) had asked the students to evaluate their universities regarding the rest of the range of courses. The results of this evaluation are presented in the ZEIT study guide and on the newly created study orientation platform HeyStudium. As of this year, this is done in the form of a 5-star scale, rounded to half stars. 4 to 5 stars cover the upper range, 2.5 to 3.5 stars cover the middle range, and 1 to 2 stars cover the lower range.

Students at the University of Hohenheim gave excellent ratings for the range of courses, the organization of exams, the support provided by lecturers, and, above all, the career orientation services. Overall, the average assessments for 13 of 14 indicators were in the top range (3.8-4.3 out of 5 stars), and for one they were in the upper-middle range (3.6 out of 5 stars, mean for all universities: 3.4).

Students praise the wide range of courses offered and commend the AIDAHO-Certificate for AI and Data Science

“Wide range of modules offered that go beyond typical business administration and economics courses. Numerous possibilities for further education and a multitude of additional offers. Now there is an opportunity to earn a certificate in Artificial Intelligence and Data Science (AIDAHO) and also receive credits for it," said one student in the survey. This refers to the “AI & Data Science Certificate Hohenheim” (AIDAHO) that is offered by the University of Hohenheim for students to complete alongside their studies.

Students also praised the "large number of excellent lecturers" as well as the "beautiful library with its small rooms," its "pleasant and quiet learning atmosphere," and "numerous support services offered by the library."

“We are delighted with the positive feedback from the CHE-ranking” said Prof. Dr. Jörg Schiller, Dean of the Faculty of Business, Economics and Social Sciences. “It confirms that we have a diverse and attractive range of courses that students can use to qualify themselves for their future careers. Particularly noteworthy are the opportunities for individual specialization and the breadth of courses.”

University of Hohenheim receives excellent grades for its career orientation services

Dean of Studies Prof. Dr. Benjamin Jung stated: "I am also particularly pleased with the excellent assessments for career orientation services. They show, for example, that our
CareerCenter's services, such as recruiting fairs and information events, are well received by students. But an important building block is also the vibrant start-up scene at the University of Hohenheim, with a wide-ranging concept for promoting start-ups and the Innovation Greenhouse as a central element."

Bachelor Information Day on 12 May offers detailed information

Pupils and prospective students interested in more details can get first-hand information at the Bachelor Info Day next Friday, 12 May. On this day, the University of Hohenheim will also present the courses offered in Business Administration and Economics, Education for Business and Economics, Sustainability & Change, Digital Business Management, and Communication Science. More information can be found at:

BACKGROUND: CHE University Ranking:

The CHE University Ranking includes students' assessments of the study conditions at their university as well as facts about studying, teaching, and research. The ranking collects information from both universities of applied sciences (HAW) and full universities, interviewing about 120,000 students about the conditions at their university (a description of the methodology is available in German: The ZEIT study guide publishes excerpts from the ranking on 300 pages. The full CHE university ranking is now available on HeyStudium (

More information

Text: Elsner

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