Trans-SEC - Innovating pro-poor Strategies to safeguard Food Security using Technology and Knowledge Transfer
- Status
- laufend
- Projektbeginn
- 01.05.2013
- Projektende
- 31.12.2018
- Förderkennzeichen
- 031A249B
- Schlagworte
- Biomasse, Nachernteschutz, Ökobilanz, Trocknung
Trans-SEC is supported by the funding initiative “Securing the Global Food Supply – GlobE” and embedded in the framework program “National Research Strategy BioEconomy 2030”. The project period is planned for five years with a total budget of 7,5 Mio Euro. Seven German research institutes, two CGIAR research centers from Kenya and USA as well as five Tanzanian institutes are involved in Trans-SEC. Approximately 70 scientists and non-governmental professionals will contribute to innovate strategies to safeguard food security through the use of technology and knowledge transfer.
The Institute of Agricultural Engineering is mainly involved in task 6.1: Post-harvest Processing, Biomass and Waste Product Utilization. The first responsibility of 440e lies on the creation of baseline reports on post-harvest processes and bioenergy production. Further, we will develop enhancements on currently applied post-harvest processes; we will test and compare them to the baseline scenario. Additionally, life cycle assessment, especially for the bioenergy options will be performed. The impact assessment will feed into other tasks and help develop future proofing strategies and risk analysis.
Cultures, we are currently focusing on are maize, rice, sunflower pearl millet and pigeon pea.
Beteiligte Personen
- M.Sc. Simon Munder
- M.Sc. Nadja Reinhardt
- M.Sc. Angela Schaffert
- Dr. sc. agr. Jörn Germer
- Prof. Dr. Folkard Asch
- PD Dr. Ludger Herrmann
- Prof. Dr. Joachim Müller
- Dr. rer. nat. Christine Lambert
- Dr. sc. agr. Sebastian Romuli
Beteiligte Einrichtungen
- Fg. Agrartechnik in den Tropen und Subtropen
- Fg. Wasserstress-Management bei Kulturpflanzen in den Tropen und Subtropen
- Hohenheim Tropen
- Institut für Agrartechnik
- Institut für Bodenkunde und Standortslehre
- Institut für Ernährungswissenschaften
- Institut für Tropische Agrarwissenschaften (Hans-Ruthenberg-Institut)
- IFPRI International Food Policy Research Institute (USA) ICRAF The International Centre for Research in Agroforestry (Kenya) SUA Sokoine University of Agriculture (Tanzania) ARI Agricultural Research Institutes (Tanzania) TFC Tanzania Federation of Co
Weitere Informationen
Publikationen im Rahmen des Projekts
Class-based physical properties of air-classified sunflower seeds and kernels
2017: Munder, S; Argyropoulos, D; Müller, J
Run-off, Soil Moisture, and Weed Management Strategies to Increase Water Productivity in Rain-fed Crops in Tanzania
2017: Schappert, A., Schaffert, A., Germer, J., Asch, F.
Effects of Water Management on the Performance of NERICA 4 in Semi-Arid Areas, Tanzania
2016: Schappert, A., Schaffert, A., Germer, J., Asch, F.
Experimental and Computational Analysis of Photovoltaic Powered Cold-pressing of Sunflower Seeds
2015: Romuli, S; Torres, V; Munder, S; Müller, J
Assessment of carbonization of wood chips using a multipurpose top-lit updraft reactor in rural areas
2015: Romuli, S; Munder, S; Wüst, D; Müller, J
Frame work forparticipatory food security research in rural food value chains
2014: Graef, F; Sieber, S; Mutabazi, K; Asch, F; Biesalski, HK; Bitegeko, J; Bokelmann, W; Bruentrup, M; Dietrich, O; Elly, N; Fasse, A;