
Tätigkeit im nichtwissenschaftlichen Bereich

Technical Assistant in Paleobotanical Ecophysiology (m/f/d)

The technical assistant will support a project tracing the evolution of secondary xylem in Paleozoic plant lineages.

Tasks will include:
fossil image acquisition and analysis,
anatomical interpretation of fossil xylem, and
quantifying functional aspects of preserved xylem anatomy.

Key qualifications:
Familiarity with microscopic techniques used in paleobotany (e.g., light microscopy, SEM).
Experience with relevant image analysis software (e.g., ImageJ).
Deep understanding of plant vascular anatomy and experience in interpreting vascular structures in Paleozoic fossils.
Basic understanding of phylogenetic relationships between Paleozoic botanical taxa.
Ability to perform functional analysis of plant anatomy using software tools (e.g., R, python).

This position is time-limited, to start in August 2024 and end on December 31, 2024.

The position is for 60% of weekly full-time equivalent and compensation will be set at a rate given by the TVL-EG 7.


Bewerbungsfrist : 19.07.2024

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To apply, please submit your CV with a brief cover letter as one pdf using the link provided. You will hear back from us following the competition end date.

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