Video message on the European elections

Hohenheim flies European flag  [21.05.19]

May 26 is the day of the European elections. Under the motto "Education Knows No Borders - Vote Europe", universities all over Germany are calling for students to vote in the elections. Concerns about a growing influence of populist and nationalist forces are behind the move. At the University of Hohenheim, around one hundred students, employees, and the student group ISO sent a joint message on Europe Day with a video campaign. The Office of International Affairs also used the occasion to hold an information day on Erasmus+.


Something other than a peaceful and borderless Europe is unthinkable for most young people. Friendly relations across borders and unrestricted mobility in studies and work are a matter of course for many.

The successful EU Erasmus+ program, in which around 130 students from the University of Hohenheim also participate every year, symbolizes this European idea. 

However, the 2016 Brexit referendum, in which comparatively few British students took part, shows that such supposed self-evident facts can be at stake without an active statement for Europe.

With the campaign "Education Knows No Borders - Vote Europe", universities from all over Germany want to send a signal against European fatigue and especially motivate young people to vote. The University of Hohenheim also supports the initiative of the German Rectors' Conference and the German National Association for Student Affairs - DSW.


Hohenheim's Video Message


Content: Leonhardmair, Translation: Neudorfer

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