Business contacts and fundraising

The University of Hohenheim offers companies and private individuals a wide range of opportunities to get involved.

Business contacts

Are you faced with  challenges and open questions  in your company? You need to solve these and seek support? Maybe we can help you. Contact us: Dr. Christine Moritz

A modern university is firmly anchored in society. It researches and teaches for the challenges of present and future generations. To this end, the University of Hohenheim maintains its networks in society, business, and politics. The University of Hohenheim is committed to continually expanding its network and establishing new contacts in order to further the research and education of young people. We would be delighted if you too could become part of the University of Hohenheim network


As a sponsor, you are one of the driving forces behind the further development of the University of Hohenheim!
Continuously improving the quality of teaching and research - that is one of the University’s declared goals. To complement state resources, we need the support of private individuals, companies, and foundations. There are many ways to get involved: improving the infrastructure, supporting research projects, or promoting young scientists. Your support helps us to achieve better results in national and international competition.
Contact us: Dr. Christine Moritz

The Hohenheim University Foundation, started in 2017, provides friends, patrons, benefactors, and legacy donors the chance to coordinate their own ideas, suggestions, and desires with the objectives of the University of Hohenheim. more

The Universitätsbund Hohenheim e.V. (Unibund) was founded in 1949. It is an association of friends & patrons of the University of Hohenheim. The aim is  to promote research, teaching, and studies in Hohenheim and to expand cooperation between science and practice. more


The University focuses its core research areas with endowed professorships, scholarships, programs for young scientists, and infrastructure projects. Get in touch if you are interested in supporting us:
Dr. Christine Moritz

Reasons for your commitment

Education is the key to solving the challenges of the 21st century. Education and knowledge are key components for the future viability of our society. This means that university education, as the highest level of education, plays a central role. Investments in science are therefore always an investment in the future for companies as well as for each individual.

With your personal commitment to the University of Hohenheim, you

  • support our talented early career researchers,
  • shape the future together with our scientists and our students,
  • help us to further develop Germany's only raw material - knowledge,
  • and strengthen Germany as a science location.

You will find the specialists of tomorrow here.

With its applied research, the University of Hohenheim makes a major contribution to the economic development and future viability of Baden-Württemberg.

Become a partner of the university and enhance your image and awareness.

We need your support for the challenges that the future will bring to the University of Hohenheim.

Contact: Dr. Christine Moritz