Overview of Studies

The Overview of Studies program supports you during your studies with presentations, workshops, videos, and learning materials. The range on offer is open to all students of the university and is free of charge. The presentations are in German unless otherwise noted. Our lectures and workshops also provide time for your individual questions. If you would like to delve deeper into a topic, contact persons are available for personal consultation.

Orientation | Studying and Examination Management | Motivation, Health, Resilience | Contact

Your start in Hohenheim

When you come to the University of Hohenheim, many things are new to you - the environment, the people, and also the structure or the course of your studies. The presentations and the related links will provide you with relevant information to get you off to a good start in your studies.

You can find more information on introductory events, important links for organizing your studies, support services for a successful start to your studies, and much more under Your start in Hohenheim.

Especially for first-semester students

Getting a successful start: Key information about studying in the Bachelor’s programs at the University of Hohenheim (in German)

The Central Student Counselling Center explains the most important things you need for a successful start at Hohenheim. You’ll also find out where you can get support if you have questions during your studies.

2 April | 10:15–11:00 a.m. | HS B4

Studying successfully: Self-organization during your studies (in German)

What does self-organization mean? How do I structure my day? How do I motivate myself to study? The Student Counselling Center will give you tips on how to organize your semester in the best possible way.

Will be offered again in winter semester

Studying and examination management (in German unless otherwise stated)

Learning at a university always means time spent studying. You divide up your study time at the university yourself, which means more freedom, but also more personal responsibility. With our seminars and lectures you can find out your own learning type, structure your studying sessions, and be well-prepared for the exams

Smart learning: from classroom to career success with lifelong and mental strategies | English only

How do I take notes in the lecture and create working materials? What strategies are there for successful learning? The seminar emphasizes the structuring of learning material and teaches learning and reading strategies for a motivated approach to challenges.

25 April | 9 a.m.–5 p.m. | Online

Stop delaying, start doing: build productive habits for success in studies and career | English only

Are you always putting things off, new things come up and old things remain unfinished? This workshop will help you to tackle upcoming tasks and keep your goals in focus.

12 June | 9 a.m.–5 p.m. | Online

Study intelligently: effective learning and study organization

How do I take notes and create working materials in lectures? What are some strategies for successful learning? The seminar emphasizes structuring the learning material and teaches learning and reading strategies for motivated approaches to challenges.

11 April | 9 a.m.–5 p.m. | Online

Systematic learning: develop and successfully implement personal learning strategies

In this seminar, you will learn effective strategies and techniques to optimize your learning. Brief theoretical insights and practical exercises will enable you to apply what you have learned immediately and successfully get through your exam phase.

31 May | 9 a.m.–2 p.m. | Online

Formalities of the exam organization: everything you need to know about registering, deregistering, and reregistering for exams!

How do I register for examinations? Can I retake exams or withdraw once I have registered? What is an “Orientierungsprüfung” (preliminary examination)? An overview of the most important facts on organizing your exams.

Will be offered again in winter semester.

Internship: helpful for decisions and a career boost – how you can benefit from a well-prepared internship!

Internships offer valuable insights into professional practice, support career decision-making, and facilitate career entry. In this presentation, we will tell you how you can integrate an internship into your studies, find the right internship, and what you should look out for when applying.

Will be offered again in winter semester.

Study effectively: intelligent strategies and digital tools help you to be more productive and organized in your studies

In this two-part workshop, we offer you the right tools and techniques to successfully combine your studies with part-time jobs, hobbies and leisure activities. You will learn how to plan smart, study productively, and get digitally organized to enhance your performance while also enjoying more free time.

14 + 21 May | 6:30–9:00 p.m. each day | Online



Forgetting was yesterday – your memory is better than you think!

Whether in your studies or in your personal life: More and more information is coming at us. However, modern technology makes it easy for us to outsource our memory and remember as little as possible ourselves. To escape "digital dementia," we need to challenge and train our brains. You will find that your brain can do much more than you suspect. With appropriate techniques you will be able to remember information of all kinds quickly and sustainably. This presentation will open your eyes to many possibilities!

26 May | 6:00–7:30 p.m. | Online

Exam preparation: effective study strategies to master your exams

The first exams are coming up: How can I prepare myself well for them? How do I start studying and how does an exam work? In this workshop you will receive valuable tips for practice.

6 May | 2–5 p.m. | Online

Say goodbye to procrastination: overcome your procrastination and become productive!

You always put things off and start new projects without finishing the old ones? The workshop helps you to tackle upcoming tasks and to keep goals in focus.

11 June | 9 a.m.–5 p.m. | Online

Crash course in sketchnotes for studying: think and learn better with sketchnotes

Learn how to create your notes with images and text and thus create a visual learning aid, flashcards or learning pictures.

25 April | 9 a.m.–12 noon | HS 31

New start second semester: what to do if the first semester didn't go smoothly?

If your first semester went differently than you imagined, you need a new plan! We'll tidy things up together, give you an overview and work out how you can continue studying well now.

29 April | 4–6 p.m. | HS 31

Writing workshop

Get important information, tips and tricks for writing and presenting scientific papers. Prepare yourself for writing term papers as well as your final thesis.

Supporting math services

Here you will find information on formats that support you in studying for your modules with math content. During your studies, for example, you can complete tasks in open study rooms, clarify questions about exercises or lectures, and receive further exercises.

Motivation, health, resilience

In the middle of your studies or just started your studies? In both phases it is important to start the new semester with motivation and to charge your batteries with new energy. Even during the semester, here at the University of Hohenheim you will find various offers that can promote your health and well-being and reduce your individual stress levels.

Strong on the outside, calm on the inside – mental strategies for focus, concentration, and inner balance (in German)

This interactive seminar teaches kinesiology relaxation exercises and brain gym techniques to help you stay clear and relaxed despite exam stress and pressure to perform. With breathing exercises, body awareness, mental training, and strategies for stress management and emotional self-regulation, you will learn to increase your mental and physical performance.

23 April and 7 May | 4–6 p.m. each day | HS 31

From brains to action: Increase your intrinsic motivation (in German)

How do you strengthen your motivation in everyday study life? How do you tap into your ambitions? The workshop will provide ideas for focus and habits to successfully tackle upcoming semester projects.

4 April | 9 a.m.–5 p.m. | HS 31

Resilience Espresso I–III (in German):

The 3 ideas aim to work on your mental immune system in order to be strengthened for the crises of tomorrow.

Resilience Espresso I: Being and staying mentally healthy

28 April | 6:00–7:30 p.m. | Online | Registration

Resilience Espresso II: StressGym – Actively combatting stress19 May | 6:00–7:30 p.m. | Online | Registration
Resilience Espresso III: Strengthened, calmer, and more resilient in everyday life
23 June | 6:00–7:30 p.m. | Online | Registration

Find energy and balance: Prevention of exhaustion, stress, and burnout

Students often experience exhaustion, frustration, and stress during their college careers, exacerbated by time pressure and high expectations. This seminar raises awareness of the topic, identifies burnout risks, and provides effective means and prevention strategies to counteract them.

25 June | 9 a.m.–5 p.m. | HS 31

Additional offerings during your studies

You can take advantage of additional offerings at the University of Hohenheim to go abroad during your studies, strengthen your personal skills, participate in research projects, and find out about career opportunities.

F.I.T. continuing education platform

F.I.T. stands for “Fähigkeiten entdecken - Interesse wecken - Talente erkennen” (Discover abilities - awaken interest - tap into talent).
The F.I.T. platform includes seminars and workshops on career orientation and planning, personal skills development, and business tools.

Information and registration

Humboldt Reloaded

In Humboldt reloaded projects, students experience collaborative research during their Bachelor's studies. You work on current research questions in small groups and will be optimally supervised by experienced researchers.

Information and registration

Additional contacts

Videos (in German) on addition offers during your studies


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Mon, Thurs 2 - 4 p.m.

Telephone office hours
+49 711 459 22064
Mon, Thurs 10 a.m. - 12 noon
Tues 2 - 4 p.m.


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01522 6247 075