Executive Management Office

The Executive Management Office supports and advises the University Management (President's Office) - in particular on matters of strategic and structural planning and university policy. In addition, the areas of activity include the management of professorial appointments, quality, and committees as well as maintaining contacts with friends, patrons, partners, and alumni of the University. The staff of the Executive Management Office work on concepts for the further development of the University. They assist change processes and coordinate overarching projects. They maintain contact with business and politics and supervise legal matters pertaining to the University. They are thus contacts for matters inside and outside of the University.

Contact & Downloads | Administrative units

The Strategy unit supports the President’s Office as it further develops and implements the strategy plan for the entire University. more

The Quality Management unit assists individual projects in quality development and establishing a University-wide quality management system. more

The Professorial Appointment Management assists all appointment procedures at the University - from the strategic orientation to helping newly appointed professors start their work. more

The Committees and Structure Division supports the President's Office, University Council, and Senate in their meetings and assists the University of Hohenheim's institutions in their structural planning. more

Fundraising and Business Contacts promotes the relationship of the University of Hohenheim to its friends and patrons.


Alumni Management supports the University of Hohenheim’s alumni work. It promotes the exchange of alumni among one another and their connection to their alma mater. more

The Green Office is the central coordination office for sustainability issues at the university. It promotes the establishment of a culture of sustainability with an approach that keeps the entire university in view. more 

The University of Hohenheim at a glance. more


Dr. Juliane Czierpka
Executive Management Office (RB)
+49 711 459 22013

Barbara Braun
Sekretary's office
+49 711 459 23313

Administrative units

Structure and Development Planning | Research Strategy

Dr. Verena Grimm
+49 711 459 22058

Quality Management |
Teaching Strategy

Dr. Géraldine Schmucker
+49 711 459-24685

Alisa Schofer
+49 711 459-22879

Emilie Kleinheinrich
+49 711 459 23393

Professorial Appointment Manager

PD Dr. Regina Belz
+49 711 459 23043

Fundraising & Business Contacts

Dr. Christine Moritz
+49 711 459 24053

Kerstin Schneider
Administration Germany Scholarship
+49 711 459 24684

Committees and Structure

Dr. Katharina Böndel
+49 711 459 24124

Dr. Sabine Gebhardt
+49 711 459 22004

Alumni Management

Stella Aberut
+49 711 459 22779

Sandra Altdörfer
+49 711 459 23325

Green Office

Anna-Lena Müller-Wengerofsky
+49 711 459 22050