Responsibility in science

The freedom of research and teaching is constitutionally guaranteed. Freedom of research should be attributed high standing as it is an essential foundation for progress and affluence in a society. The ethical responsibility of the researchers for integrity-based scientific work is inseparably linked to this freedom. Scientific integrity is the foundation of trustworthy science. It is the basis for society’s trust in science, but also for trust among those working in science who build their work on the findings of others.

Scientific integrity and ethics

The University of Hohenheim, as a center for research, teaching, and the promotion of early career researchers, undertakes to create and continuously develop the suitable framework conditions for anchoring the culture of scientific integrity and ethics in daily scientific practice.

Good scientific practice

The University of Hohenheim has given itself statutes to ensure good scientific practice and rules of procedure for self-monitoring in science.

UHOH Ethics Committee

The Ethics Committee acts as a body for the research ethical evaluation of research projects. Upon request, scientists can have the ethical aspects of their research projects reviewed and assessed by the Ethics Committee and, if necessary, receive advice in this regard.


Nagoya Protocol

The laws on the use of genetic resources obligate all scientists involved in the use of genetic resources and/or traditional knowledge related to such genetic resources to deal with the applicable national and international rules.


Animal Protection

Society, legislators, and the University of Hohenheim itself apply very strict standards to the conduct of animal experiments. Animal protection is, therefore, an important topic at the University of Hohenheim.


Research data

The Communication, Information and Media Center (KIM) of the University of Hohenheim assists you with the planning, managing, storing, and publishing of research data. For your research data management, KIM points you to the right information, services, and contacts. 


Managing freedom of research

In a worsening geopolitical situation, the University of Hohenheim and its scientists face new challenges in cooperating with partners abroad.


Scientific misconduct

The University of Hohenheim will look into every concrete suspicion of scientific misconduct at the University. To this end, it has put in place a Committee for Self-Monitoring in Science and ombudspersons.
