Faculties & institutes

The University of Hohenheim has three faculties: Agricultural Sciences, Natural Sciences, and Business, Economics and Social Sciences.

Each faculty designates a group of related institutes and departments. As units of teaching and administration, the faculties are responsible for the organization of research, teaching, and studies in their area of science. They are headed by the Dean, who is responsible for the faculty’s development.

In teaching and research, the Faculty develops sustainable production technology for the agricultural and nutrition sectors. It makes contributions to rural areas and to consumer, animal, and environmental protection. more

Biology, nutritional sciences and food sciences are the Faculty’s primary areas of focus. Research focuses on the key topics of life sciences. more

Research and modern teaching according to international standards are combined in the Faculty. The Hohenheim Model links business and economic, social science and legal aspects. more

Institutes and Departments in the Faculty of Natural Sciences

No.Institution name
110Institute of Applied Mathematics and Statistics
110aDept. of Mathematics: Modeling Complex Biological Systems
120Institute of Physics and Meteorology
120aDept. of Physics and Meteorology
120cJunior Research Group Feedback Processes in the Earth System
130Institute of Chemistry
130aDept. of Inorganic Chemistry
130bDept. of Organic Chemistry
140Institute of Nutritional Sciences
140aDept. of Molecular Nutritional Science
140bDept. of Food Biofunctionality
140cDept. of Nutritional Biochemistry
140dDept. of Microbiome and Applied Bioinformatics
150Institute of Food Science and Biotechnology
150aDept. of Food Microbiology and Hygiene
150bDept. of Biotechnology and Enzyme Science
150cDept. of Process Engineering and Food Powders
150dDept. of Plant-Based Foods
150eDept. of Dairy Science and Dairy Technology
150fDept. of Yeast Genetics and Fermentation Technology
150gDept. of Food Materials Science
150hDept. of Flavor Chemistry
150jDept. of Process Analytics
150kDept. of Bioprocess Engineering
150lDept. of Food Informatics
151Distillery for Research and Training
152Dairy for Research and Training
170Institute of Food Chemistry
170aDept. of Food Chemistry and Analytical Chemistry
170bDept. of Food Chemistry
180Institute of Clinical Nutrition
180aDept. of Nutritional Medicine / Prevention and Gender
180bDept. of Immunology
180cDept. of Human Nutrition and Dietetics
180dDept. of Applied Nutritional Psychology
190Institute of Biology
190aDept. of Molecular Botany
190bDept. of Plant Evolutionary Biology
190cDept. of Plant Physiology and Biochemistry
190dDept. of Plant Systems Biology
190eDept. of Epigenetics
190fDept. of Biochemistry
190gDept. of Molecular Genetics
190hDept. of Molecular Microbiology
190iDept. of Cellular Microbiology
190jDept. of Functional Plant Ecophysiology
190mJunior Research Group Eco-Evolutionary Modelling
190nDept. of Systematic Entomology
190oDept. of Integrative Taxonomy of Insects
190pDept. of Parasitology
190rDept. of Palaeontology
190sDept. of Cell Physiology
190tDept. of Chemical Ecology
190uDept. of Biodiversity Monitoring
190vDept. of Physiology
190wDept. of Biological Systematics
190yJunior Research Group Microbial Processes of Nitrogen Transformation
190zDept. of Zoology

More Institutions in the Faculty of Natural Sciences

No.Institution name
101 Competence Center for Biodiversity and Integrative Taxonomy (KomBioTa)

Institutes and Departments in the Faculty of Agricultural Sciences

No.Institution name
310Institute of Soil Science and Land Evaluation
310aDept. of Soil Chemistry and Pedology
310bDept. of Soil Biology
310dDept. of Biogeophysics
320Institute of Landscape and Plant Ecology
320aDept. of Landscape Ecology and Vegetation Science
320bDept. of Plant Ecology
340Institute of Crop Science
340aDept. of Crop Production
340bDept. of Biobased Resources in the Bioeconomy
340cDept. of Biostatistics
340eDept. of Quality of Plant Products
340fDept. of Production Systems of Horticultural Crops
340hDept. of Nutritional Crop Physiology
340iDept. of Fertilization and Soil Chemistry
340kDept. of Physiology of Yield Stability
350Institute of Plant Breeding, Seed Science and Population Genetics
350aDept. of Plant Breeding
350bDept. of Plant Biodiversity and Breeding Informatics
350dDept. of Seed Science and Seed Technology
350eDept. of Quantitative Genetics and Genomics of Crops
360Institute of Phytomedicine
360aDept. of Phytopathology
360bDept. of Weed Science
360cDept. of Applied Entomology
410Institute of Farm Management
410aDept. of Production Theory and Resource Economics
410bDept. of Farm Management
410cDept. of Management in Agribusiness
420Institute of Agricultural Policy and Markets
420aDept. of Agricultural and Food Policy
420bDept. of Agricultural Markets
420cDept. of Consumer Behavior in the Bioeconomy
420dDept. of Economic-Ecological Policy Modeling
421Research Center for Cooperatives
430Institute of Social Sciences in Agriculture
430aDept. of Communication and Advisory Services in Rural Areas
430bDept. of Societal Transition and Agriculture
430cDept. of Sustainable Use of Natural Resources
440Institute of Agricultural Engineering
440aDept. of Fundamentals of Agricultural Engineering
440dDept. of Technology in Crop Production
440eDept. of Agricultural Engineering in the Tropics and Subtropics
440fDept. of Conversion Technologies of Biobased Resources
440gDept. of Artificial Intelligence in Agricultural Engineering
460Institute of Animal Science
460aDept. of Animal Nutrition
460cDept. of Feed-Gut Microbiota Interaction
460dDept. of Functional Anatomy of Livestock
460eDept. of Livestock Infectiology and Environmental Hygiene
460fDept. of Behavioral Physiology of Livestock
460gDept. of Animal Genetics and Breeding
460hDept. of Livestock Population Genomics
460iDept. of Bioinformatics
460kDept. of Integrative Infection Biology Crops-Livestock
460mDept. of Livestock Microbial Ecology
460nDept. of Livestock Tissue Metabolism
461University of Hohenheim's Veterinary Practice
490Institute of Agricultural Sciences in the Tropics (Hans-Ruthenberg-Institute)
490aDept. of Rural Development Theory and Policy
490bDept. of International Agricultural Trade and World Food Security
490cDept. of Social and Institutional Change in Agricultural Development
490dDept. of Land Use Economics
490eDept. of Agronomy in the Tropics and Subtropics
490fDept. of Ecology of Tropical Agricultural Systems
490gDept. of Water Stress Management in Crops in the Tropics and Subtropics
490hDept. of Animal Breeding and Husbandry in the Tropics and Subtropics

More Institutions in the Faculty of Agricultural Sciences

No.Institution name
308University Experimental Animal Facility
309Center for Organic Farming, University of Hohenheim (ZÖLUH)
400 Agricultural Experimental Station

Institutes and Departments in the Faculty of Business, Economics, and Social Sciences

No.Institution name
510Institute of Financial Management
510aDept. of Business Administration: Finance and Accounting
510bDept. of Business Administration: Business Taxation and Accounting
510cDept. of Business Administration: Controlling
510dDept. of Business Administration: Risk Management
510eDept. of Business Administration: Corporate Finance
510fDept. of Business Administration: Banking and Financial Services
510gDept. of Business Mathematics and Data Sciences
511Stiftung Kreditwirtschaft
520Institute of Economics
520aDept. of Economics: Monetary and International Macroeconomics
520bDept. of Econometrics and Empirical Economics
520cDept. of Economics: Information and Uncertainty
520dDept. of Economics: Public Economics
520eDept. of Economics: International Economics
520fDept. of Economics: Economics of Digital Transformation
520gDept. of Economics: Service Economics and Labor Economics
520iDept. of Economics: Innovation Economics
520jDept. of Economic, Social and Agricultural History
520kDept. of Econometrics and Statistics
520mDept. of Bioeconomy
530Institute of Health Care & Public Management
530aDept. of Household and Consumer Economics
530bDept. of Economics und Management of Social Services
530cDept. of Insurance and Economics and Social Systems
540Institute of Communication Science
540aDept. of Communication Science: Media Research and Media Use
540cDept. of Communication Science: Communication Theory
540eDept. of Communication Science: Media Politics
540fDept. of Communication Science and Media Psychology
540gDept. of Communication Science: Interactive Media and Online Communication
550Institute of Law
550aDept. of Civil, Commercial and Agricultural Law
550bDept. of Public Law, Financial and Tax Law
560Institute of Education, Work and Society
560aDept. of Business and Economics Education: Teaching and Learning Processes
560bDept. of Business and Economics Education: Theory and Didactics of Professional Education
560cDept. of Economic and Social Ethics
560dDept. of Catholic Theology and Its Didactics as well as Business Ethics
560eDept. of Business and Organizational Psychology
560fDept. of Sociology
560gDept. of Sustainable Behavior and Business
560hDept. of Sustainable Development and Change
570Institute of Marketing & Management
570aDept. of Business Administration: Marketing and Business Development
570bDept. of Business Administration: Corporate Management
570cDept. of Business Start-Ups and Entrepreneurship
570dDept. of Business Administration: Service Management and Service Markets
570eDept. of Business Administration: Marketing and Consumer Behavior
570fDept. of Business Administration: Innovation Management
570gDept. of Digital Management
580Institute of Information Systems
580aDept. of Intelligent Information Systems
580bDept. of Business Administration: Procurement and Production
580cDept. of Business Administration: Supply Chain Management
580eDept. of Information Systems and Digital Technologies