Innovative teaching

The University of Hohenheim is continuously working on the further development of teaching on various levels: courses, degree programs, and teaching organization. It sees the integration of research and teaching as one of the prerequisites for excellent degree programs. With its "Humboldt reloaded" program, the university has positioned itself as one of the pioneers in the field of research-oriented learning as early as the Bachelor's degree programs. Other projects to develop the teaching culture have been particularly devoted to the study entry phase, the development of digital tools, and entrepreneurial thinking and start-up culture. The goal is always to optimize the competence development of their students. In order to be able to drive this development forward and anchor it sustainably, the University of Hohenheim is actively raising additional funds.

How do we want to teach, learn, and research at the University of Hohenheim in 2030? Contribute your ideas for future developments in teaching as well. Find out more about the participation formats within the framework of “Hohenheim 2030” - The future begins today.

Selected projects

The award-winning project was made permanent at the University of Hohenheim in 2021 and promotes research-based learning as early as the Bachelor’s level. Students work in small teams on current research questions.


In several projects, new offers were developed for students just getting started. The results are bundled on the central information page "Your start in Hohenheim".


The joint project ABBA, funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research, aims to build a teaching module kit that teaches business students interdisciplinary AI skills.


Certificate program for courses in Artificial Intelligence and Data Science in Hohenheim (AIDAHO). The program is designed for students of all faculties.
Start: WS 2022/23


The DeLLFi project, funded by the Innovation in University Teaching Foundation, establishes competence-oriented, digitally supported teaching as an integral part of modern, contemporary teaching at Hohenheim.


The collaborative project PePP, funded by the Foundation Innovation in University Teaching, transfers successful approaches of e-exams and previously unused potentials into sustainable, innovative exam solutions.



Folkert Degenring
Dr. Folkert Degenring

Teaching Development
+49 711 459 22595

Teaching Service Portal

The portal for instructors contains ideas, tips, and information on the topic teaching at the University of Hohenheim.