Open Science

The University of Hohenheim is committed to the principles of Open Science.

Open Science stands for openness, transparency, and verifiability of academic research and teaching. It is based on the idea that scientific findings, data, methods, publications, and teaching materials should be freely accessible and usable, both for the academic community and for the general public.

Within the framework of Open Science, methods, research data, and results are disclosed so that studies can be reproduced, research quality is improved, and scientific knowledge is gained through collaboration with other researchers and the exchange of knowledge.

Open Science Guideline

The Open Science Guideline lays the foundation for open and transparent research at our university. It includes open access to research information (Open Access), open data and methods (Open Data and Open Materials), and open access to educational content (Open Educational Resources).

The Open Science Guideline is in line with the “Statutes for Safeguarding Good Scientific Practice at the University of Hohenheim,” the DFG Code of Conduct “Guidelines for Safeguarding Good Research Practice,” and the federal and state guidelines on “Open Access in Germany.”

It is the result of intensive discussions and cooperation between researchers, lecturers, students, and employees in supporting services who are committed to an open science culture.

Open Science Guideline