Offers for pupils

At the University of Hohenheim, students of all ages can expect workshops, internships, lectures, and taster sessions. We not only offer events for prospective students, but also younger pupils can get their first taste of research, explore professional fields, and gain insights into science. In this way, we want to arouse enthusiasm for science in young people and support them in their career orientation.

Pupils who are interested in studying at the University of Hohenheim can find a suitable offer here: Ways for prospective students to get to know the University of Hohenheim

Research Summer Camp

At the Research Summer Camp at the University of Hohenheim, students can get a taste of research during the summer vacations and conduct their own experiments.

Research project during the 2024 summer vacation:
19 - 23 August 2024: Research in the laboratory, in nature, and on the computer

Boys’ & Girls’ Day

As part of the Girls' and Boys' Future Day, pupils can take part in workshops at the University of Hohenheim and gain insights into occupational fields.

Find workshops:

Early Studies

Early Studies is a University of Hohenheim project to promote gifted young people. Interested students can attend university lectures even before they graduate from high school.

The program is currently being planned

BOGY Internship

For career and study orientation, the University of Hohenheim offers BOGY internships in various areas of the university for pupils at high schools in Baden-Württemberg.


Open office hours (in person)
Mon, Thurs 2 - 4 p.m.

Telephone office hours
+49 711 459 22064
Mon, Thurs 10 a.m. - 12 noon
Tues 2 - 4 p.m.


Email service

01522 6247 075