Foto: Universität Hohenheim / Sacha Dauphin / Astrid Untermann / Wolfram Scheible

Research Support Department

From the project idea all the way through to project completion and knowledge transfer

The Research Support Department offers academics of all disciplines professional and practical support in applying for third-party funds for research projects. We assist Hohenheim researchers throughout the entire application process.

Our service

We offer you information, advice, and support...

  • on current calls for proposals, research programs, and funding formats (Research possibilities)
  • in elaborating your ideas and project outlines
  • for the formal application
  • for contract negotiations and conclusions
  • in case of problems and changes during the project
  • for knowledge and technology transfer
  • on legal issues relating to inventions and patents
  • when applying for funds for founding a company

Together with the research centers and other university institutions, the Research Support Department forms the service structure for researchers.

After the grant is approved or the contract is signed, the Finance Department will take over the management of the funds according to budgetary and bookkeeping laws. However, the Research Support Department remains the central contact point throughout the whole project, especially in the case of problems or specific issues.

The Research Support Department supports the university management, especially the Vice President for Research, in successfully implementing the University’s research strategy, as well as in higher-level research issues and projects.

You are looking for suitable third-party funds for your research?

Current calls for proposals and information on funding programs and organizations


Our team will gladly and competently support you with all questions regarding the preparation and submission of your funding application.

  • Initial funding
  • Completing application and calculating costs
  • In case of problems during the project


We offer legal support to researchers at the University of Hohenheim in all legal matters:

from procuring funds to the completion of your research project.


Technology Transfer supports:

  • your innovation projects,
  • you in developing your business models,
  • you on technology transfer issues.   


Research Committee

The Research Support Department supports the work of the Senate Committee for Research (SCR).


Ethics Committee

Please send requests for a research ethics review to:


Do you need legal support related to the Nagoya Protocol?

Get in touch with us.
