Green Office

The University of Hohenheim strives for a sustainable and resilient future. Sustainability and sustainable development have always been of great importance to Hohenheim. The University is already taking very effective steps towards greater sustainability with a wide range of measures in the various fields of action. As a central contact and coordination point, the Green Office networks these sustainability activities and supports the establishment of a culture of sustainability.

Translated with

We are currently pulling out all the stops to set up the Green Office, implement initial ideas, and design the website. Can’t wait to get started and make the university even greener? If so, please send your ideas or questions to

Did you know that...

...the Bachelor’s degree program Sustainability & Change isn’t the only degree program that deals specifically with sustainability issues?

Field of action “Studies and Teaching”

...we carried out a comprehensive greenhouse gas balance in 2023 which provides us with an overview of our emissions and enables us to drive forward CO2 savings in a targeted manner?

Field of activity Research & Innovation

...the University of Hohenheim has been using only green electricity since 2012?

Field of action “Operations & Infrastructure”

...Hohenheim was named Europe’s most biodiverse campus in 2023?

Field of action “Transfer”

...the idea of setting up a Green Office originally came from the student body?

Field of action “Student Involvement”

...the university committed to becoming even more sustainable and setting up a Green Office in its Structure and Development Plan 2023-2027?

Field of action “Governance & Structure” yourself can contribute to making the university even more sustainable?

Field of action “Participation & Transparency”


Green Office

Anna-Lena Müller-Wengerofsky
+49 711 459 22050