Masks & one-way paths

Rules to Prevent Park Closure  [06.05.20]

Picture: Helmut Dalitz

From Saturday on, stricter rules on coronavirus protection will apply in the Hohenheim Gardens. These include a general obligation to wear a mask and a "one-way path system" for greater distance between walkers. Existing bans (picnics, playground equipment, alcohol, etc.) are to be monitored more closely. With this, the University is pursuing a specific goal: "The parks should remain open", said University President Stephan Dabbert.


"When the temperatures rise in spring, that is one of the best times of the year to enjoy the Hohenheim Gardens. Nature awakens, the plants sprout, the first insects are looking for food, and many birds have started their breeding season," said Dr. Helmut Dalitz, scientific director of the Hohenheim Gardens.

But this year, in times of closed schools and working from home, when many people are worried about their health, beloved relatives, their financial livelihood, and general world affairs, people are coming for other reasons, too: They want to escape the confinement of their homes, take a breath, forget for a moment.


Public recreational space should be preserved

"All of this we can relate to very well. We are very much aware of the important social functions that Hohenheim's Gardens currently fulfill," said University President Prof. Dr. Stephan Dabbert.

However, there is also a danger in the understandable longing for normalcy: Last weekend, for example, too many people crowded into smaller spaces, especially in the Exotic Garden. In many cases, the applicable rules of the state's Corona Ordinance were not observed.

"Precisely because we want to preserve the Hohenheim Gardens as a public recreational area in these difficult times, we feel compelled to tighten up our rules now and to have a security service check them more closely," said Dabbert.


"One-way paths" and face masks

Among other things, a new "one-way street system" is to provide more distance between walkers from next Saturday onwards: Arrows drawn on the ground with lime spray will indicate the paths, the direction in which you can move, and the direction in which you can walk. Visitors will also have to wear face masks.

The distance requirement of at least 1.5 meters also still applies. Meadows may not be used as a playground or for picnics until further notice. Blankets and ball games are not allowed. The well-known park rules will also remain in force: bicycles must be pushed, dogs kept on a short leash, and alcohol is taboo. The Covid-19 park regulations are announced by clearly visible signs at all entrances.


All areas should be used equally

"In general, we would also like to ask visitors to spread out throughout the grounds - and not just to use the areas of the Exotic Garden near the parking lot. If you see that the grounds are already overcrowded, please come back at a later time," requested the Director of the Hohenheim Gardens.

The University intends to review and adapt the rules regularly: "If the general situation and discipline of our visitors allow, it may be possible to relax the restrictions again. However, if the rules are disregarded, the closure of the parks cannot be ruled out as a last resort. Of course we would like to avoid this and therefore hope that all park friends will understand this," said Dalitz.


Text: Leonhardmair / Translation: Neudorfer



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