Online survey Mobility: Take part!

How You Get to Campus   [28.04.21]

How do you get to campus in normal times? What factors influence your choice of transportation? Which improvement measures do you consider important? Following the Hohenheim LIVE event last Monday with University President Stephan Dabbert, mobility manager Martin Kerner would like to find out more about your way to campus. Participation in the online survey is possible from now until May 12. Almost 1,200 people already participated in a flash survey via Instagram last week. The Online Courier shows the results at a glance.


What is the university doing to be more accessible by different means of transport and to improve the quality of stays on campus?

This question was the focus of the current issue of "Hohenheim LIVE" last Monday. Among others, Mobility Officer Martin Kerner and University President Stephan Dabbert reported on the current implementation status of the Hohenheim Mobility Plan.

As expected, one and a half hours were hardly enough to discuss all fields of action: From bicycle parking spaces to public transport connections, parking management to e-mobility. That's why the mobility officer is now asking all students and employees for even more detailed feedback via an anonymous online survey.

Jetzt teilnehmen

Alle Studierenden und Beschäftigten der Uni Hohenheim sind herzlich eingeladen, sich an der anonymen Umfrage zu beteiligen.

Dauer: ca. 10 Minuten. Die Teilnahme ist bis zum 12. Mai möglich

It is about your way to campus, improvement measures and your assessment of various aspects related to mobility. The survey refers to the normal situation, without Covid-19-related restrictions. It takes about 10 minutes to participate.

- Participate now


Flash survey via Instagram

In the run-up to the event, the Online Courier had already obtained spontaneous feedback via the Instagram account of the University of Hohenheim - with a surprisingly large response. Within 24 hours, almost 1,200 people took part in the flash survey, presumably mostly students.

In addition, numerous users took advantage of the opportunity to provide brief feedback or express their wishes regarding mobility via a comment field (see image gallery).

According to the survey, bus and train are the most important means of transportation for students to get to the university. 90% of the participants also stated that they would come to the university more often by city rail if there were a direct connection from Stuttgart City to the campus.

A surprisingly high percentage of pedestrians could indicate that many students from the surrounding dormitories participated in the Instagram survey - however, these responses are unlikely to be representative of the entire university. This is one of the reasons why the broader online survey should now round off the picture.

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