Gender Equality & Diversity: A coffee with...

No place for racism & discrimination  [13.02.25]

Prof. Dr. Ute Mackenstedt and Rotraud Konca have been committed to equality and diversity at the University of Hohenheim for many years. Photo: University of Hohenheim / Elsner

Whether in the lecture hall or in a WhatsApp chat: the University of Hohenheim is committed to mutual respect and the appreciation of diversity. Anyone who experiences inappropriate behavior in the context of the university can find help at the newly renamed “Office for Gender Equality & Diversity”. Gender Equality Representative Prof. Dr. Ute Mackenstedt and Consultant for Gender Equality Rotraud Konca report on what else is currently happening in the area of diversity management in a coffee interview with the Online Courier.

This article was translated with DeepL

On the subject: In a study, the F.A.Z. Institute named the University of Hohenheim a “role model in diversity”. The University of Hohenheim is ranked 4th among universities in Germany and 2nd in Baden-Württemberg. More...

Ms. Mackenstedt, Ms. Konca, since last summer the former “Gender Equality Office” has a new name: “Office for Gender Equality & Diversity.” What is the reason for the renaming?

Mackenstedt: We are making it clear that, in addition to gender equality, diversity is also an important topic at the University of Hohenheim.

We want all people at the University of Hohenheim to experience respect and support and enjoy the same opportunities: regardless of gender, sexual orientation, age, social background, religion, nationality or physical abilities.

Because the University of Hohenheim is diverse - and we need this diversity to be successful together!

Konca: In terms of gender equality, we have made important progress in recent decades. But there is still a lot to be done.

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Büro für Gleichstellung & Diversität

This does not mean that we are reducing the advancement of women - but rather expanding our activities. From spring 2025, we will be supported by a 50% diversity officer.

So the Office for Gender Equality & Diversity is also an important point of contact if I experience racism, discrimination, sexual harassment or similar at the university?

Mackenstedt: That's right. We are the central point of contact in such cases – and we will bring in further support if necessary.

Whether students, professors, doctoral candidates, employees, apprentices or interns: all university members can turn to us. And it doesn't matter who the perpetrator of the inappropriate behavior is – as long as it happens in the context of the university.

We are aware that coming to us is often not easy. Especially if the problem comes from a person who is above you in the hierarchy. But of course we are also prepared for such cases.

Konca: Our advice is always strictly confidential. We stand by your side, show you possible steps and decide together with you how to proceed.

To reiterate: There is no place for racism, discrimination, anti-Semitism and sexism at the University of Hohenheim. And no one who experiences such things here with us will be left alone.

How big are these problems at the University of Hohenheim?

Mackenstedt: That's not easy to say. Unfortunately, we have to assume that many cases do not reach us at all. One of our most important tasks in the near future will therefore be to make ourselves and the university's other points of contact even better known among students and employees.

We are currently revising our homepage and planning a communication offensive in the second half of the year. We also want to conduct surveys on the topic and establish diversity monitoring.

Konca: But perhaps this much can be said in response to your question: We are experiencing a general tendency towards coarsening in our society, especially in social media. This does not stop at the University of Hohenheim either. Recently, we have been particularly concerned with incidents in WhatsApp groups.

In WhatsApp groups? Is the university also responsible for chats between students?

Konca: If communication clearly takes place in a university context, it doesn't matter whether it's in a lecture hall or in a digital chat. The same rules apply everywhere. Mutual respect is non-negotiable.

Today, it is common for participants in modules, internships and the like to exchange information via specially set up WhatsApp groups. If racist comments are made in such groups, no one has to just accept them.

How do you react in such cases?

The focus is on advising those affected. A further step may be to talk to the person who is discriminating. We confront them with their misconduct and point out the consequences of any repetition.

The university is not a toothless tiger: depending on the severity of the incident and its frequency, various sanctions are available. As a last resort, the so-called “Disciplinary Committee” can be convened for students and even decide on exmatriculation. Employees also face consequences.

Konca: Of course, our primary goal is to prevent things from getting that bad. We have a wide range of measures in place to promote good relations and appreciation of diversity on campus and to offer support when difficulties arise.

What kind of measures are you talking about?

We are one of the first universities to participate in the pilot audit “Diversity-Friendly University”. We received the first certification in 2023. We have to implement a set program of measures by the time of the re-audit in 2026.

We have already checked the first items off our to-do list:

For example, the University has set up a new Senate Committee for Diversity. This committee sets the strategic framework for our diversity management. All status groups from students to professors are represented. The committee is headed by the Vice President for International Affairs, Prof. Dr. Andreas Pyka.

All members of the University are invited to contact the committee with concerns, problems or ideas related to diversity.

And what's coming up in the near future?

A project that has been on our minds for a long time is scheduled to be completed in spring 2025: a new room of silence will open at Emil-Wolff-Straße 30.

The room will be available for meditation, prayer or simply as a place of retreat for quiet recreation. The design is being carried out together with the Institute for Architecture and Design at the Stuttgart University of Applied Sciences and is based on sustainability aspects.

We also have plenty to do beyond that. I have already mentioned the great importance of communication: we want to establish a diversity guide on the website that will help people to find points of contact and offers more easily. As part of the website relaunch, the university homepage will also be made as barrier-free as possible.

We also want to establish the topic of diversity as an integral part of the on-boarding process for new employees and students. We want to introduce training to raise awareness among managers, strengthen the buddy system for foreign students and intensify our cooperation with the association Arbeiterkind e.V. to make it easier for students from educationally disadvantaged families to enter university.

Numerous other measures are also being considered. We will keep students and employees up to date on our activities!

We will report. Thank you very much for the interview!

Interview: Leonhardmair | Translated with DeepL

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