Questionable Protest

Nazi Comparison on Stable Wall   [11.08.21]

The sign on the experimental barn has since been removed. Image: University of Hohenheim.

"Who gives you the right?" is written in the 1st line of a sign that unidentified people stuck on the wall of an experimental barn at the university over the weekend. Under it as 2nd line "Dr. Mengele". The university management has expressed surprise at the anonymous question: after all, the university has always been willing to publicly discuss questions on the subject of animal experiments. It condemned the 2nd line as tasteless and cynical. Because of the damage to the facade plaster, the university has filed a complaint.


The first line on the sign is a question that the university does not want to shirk in any way, explained Julia Fritz-Steuber on behalf of the university management as Vice President for Research.

"Legally, the question is quickly answered: The right to conduct animal experiments in research derives from the German Basic Law, which guarantees the freedom of science. However, the question of why animal experiments are needed is also an ethical-philosophical question that we discuss again and again in science, in courses, and in dialogue with society," said Fritz-Steuber.

In Hohenheim, there are two main research directions: The Hohenheim Agricultural Sciences are looking for insights that will make livestock farming more sustainable. This includes animal health and welfare, more sustainable feed production and utilization, and improved life cycle assessments. The Hohenheim Natural Sciences researches biological principles with relevance to medicine and prevention. Researchers from both directions also worked together in joint projects, gaining additional added value.

"However, it wouldn't have needed an anonymous sign. It is the policy of the University of Hohenheim that we do not refuse any request for information. Regardless of whether it is made to us verbally, by letter, or as a social media comment," stated Fritz-Steuber. The entire university agreed on this policy years ago in its guidelines for animal experiments.

The university also provides information about animal experiments with its own homepage and in press releases. Last week, the university management and scientists answered questions from university members for two hours in an online event from the "Hohenheim Live" series.

"This denouncing sign shows us that a similar event for the general public would be necessary to outline what we are researching on and for what reasons, and why some of this research is conducted on animals."


"Nazi comparison is outside any ethical norm"

The representative of the university management reacted with blank incomprehension to the 2nd line on the sign: "Dr. Mengele".

Was passiert beim Tierversuch?

Fast 90 % der Tierversuche an der Uni Hohenheim werden als leicht eingestuft. Dabei werden Schweine mit neuartigen Ohrmarken versehen, Ferkeln wird Blut abgenommen, um zu sehen, ob sie auf neue Objekte im Stall mit Stress reagieren. Kühe erhalten einen Halfter, der ihre Kaubewegungen aufzeichnet.

Als Versuch mittleren Schweregrades gilt, wenn z.B. Siebenschläfer in freier Wildbahn gefangen und markiert werden.

Getötet werden Versuchstiere z.B. dann, wenn ihnen Muskeln, Nerven oder Teile des Verdauungsapparats für anschließende Untersuchungen entnommen werden müssen. Das war bei der jüngsten Statistik für 2020 bei 8% der Tierversuchen der Fall.

"Josef Mengele was a war criminal who was jointly responsible for the torture and murder of more than a million people in the Ausschwitz-Birkenau concentration camp," Fritz-Steuber emphasized.

In a society that keeps farm animals primarily as a source of food, the name Mengele denigrates all scientists who pursue animal experiments only as an approach alongside substitute methods, laboratory experiments, biostatistics, and many other techniques - and who weigh up before each animal experiment whether it could be replaced by another method, how many animals are needed as a maximum, and how the stress on the animals can be kept as low as possible.

"I find it even worse that linking the sign to Josef Mengele relativizes the atrocities committed against millions of people during National Socialism - which really puts the whole thing outside any ethical norm."


University files charges

The university is preparing a complaint for damage to property. Reason: The sign was stuck with silicone directly onto the plaster of an exterior facade and this now shows corresponding damage.

"We will not receive a cent extra from the Ministry of Finance for this damage. The repair will be charged to our construction budget and will be missed elsewhere - just like the time we and the University Building Office now have to spend on it," stated Fritz-Steuber.

"We would have preferred to use both to push ahead with other buildings such as our future farrowing house, which offers mother sows and piglets more freedom of movement and heat nests and which, thanks to heat exchangers, improves the barn climate along with the energy balance."


Text: Klebs / Leonhardmair / Translation: Neudorfer

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