Facts, not fake news

"Because Research Matters"  [06.05.20]

Not only in times of crisis, but especially then, society needs free, knowledge-driven science. And researchers with convictions who contribute to public discourse. Researchers at the University of Hohenheim want to show how they are contributing to the current DFG campaign "Because Research Matters" with a video message: We are ready for it! A new service website for the media also bundles together which experts can provide information on which aspects of Covid-19 and its consequences.



With the campaign "DFG2020 - Because Research Matters", the German Research Foundation (DFG) wants to carry its conviction for free and knowledge-driven research into society - especially during the Covid-19 pandemic. The occasion was actually the founding of the DFG's predecessor organization, the "Notgemeinschaft der Deutschen Wissenschaft" (Emergency Association of German Science), a hundred years ago. At that time, the aim after the First World War was to prevent the complete collapse of the scientific system in Germany.

Under the hashtag #ForTheKnowledge, the DFG continues to use social media to collect reasons why researchers choose knowledge and science. This is a call to which the University of Hohenheim is also happy to respond, even though many university members are currently working from home.

"The current exceptional situation shows how important science is for our society. Researchers at the University of Hohenheim have not ceased their activities and, with their respective specialist expertise, are ready to make important contributions to social and political discussions. Urgent research projects can be carried out on the campus under special hygiene measures, even though the general on-site operations at the University are currently suspended. Society needs functioning universities," said Prof. Dr. Fritz-Steuber, Vice President for Research.


Video messages from home




Website lists contact persons for media

The global Covid-19 pandemic is already having drastic consequences: The economy, the education sector, the world of work in general, but also human interaction will probably be different after the crisis than they were before. In order to be able to deal with this in a meaningful way, scientific facts are more important than ever, both now during the crisis and for the time after it.

Numerous researchers at the University of Hohenheim who wish to make their respective specialist expertise available for media enquiries have already contacted the press office. A new website brings together topics, contact persons and brief explanations of the specialist background. The list will be continuously expanded and actively communicated to editorial offices throughout Germany in the coming days.

- To the list of experts...

Hohenheim researchers will provide information on the following topics, among others:

  • Research on the occurrence of infections
  • Impact on the economy and the financial sector
  • Consequences for the world of work
  • Society and social media
  • The education sector in the Covid-19 crisis
  • Lessons from the crisis - precaution for the future


Text: Leonhardmair / Translation: Neudorfer

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