Lists & Candidates

Students Vote (14/15 July)  [03.07.20]

Despite the Covid-19 semester, all students are again called upon to vote this year. Voting will take place on 14-15 July on campus or in advance by postal vote. The new student representatives for the Senate, the Student Parliament (StuPa) and the Faculty Councils are to be elected. The Online Courier has compiled all the information about the election and the lists.


  • Tuesday, 14 July, 10 am – 4 pm
  • Wednesday, 15 July,  10 am – 12 noon


In lecture hall 11 in the Palace Brandflügel (East Yard-South). There are signs directing you to the polling station. Don't forget to bring your student ID card!

Postal vote?

Alternatively, you can cast your votes by postal vote. The sealed ballot letters must be received by the University's Mailroom office before 12 noon on Wednesday, 15 July 2020.

You can still request the absentee ballot papers online until 3 July, or you can pick them up in person at the voting office until 10 July (Mo-Fr, 11-12, Garbenstraße 30, Container-Building ground floor, Room 029)

Who's up for election?

In total, you will distribute votes for three elections: The Senate, the StuPa, and the Faculty Council. You may only give a maximum of 2 votes per candidate.

You can choose between the Fachschaft lists from the three faculties and cross-faculty lists. 

For information about the candidates please click on the graphic or link:      


Grüne Liste


Wir für Euch - A




Wir für Euch - N!




All documents and official information on the election can be found on the Election info page.

Why vote?

Study conditions, campus life, big decisions for the University as a whole: the student representation is committed to your concerns at Hohenheim at various levels.

The AStA board explains what the student representation is doing at the moment and why a high turnout is so important in a recent interview in the Online Courier.

5 good reasons for voting, an explanatory video on the postal vote, and more can also be found on the Instagram channel of the Constituted Student Body (Verfasste Studierendenschaft).

StuPa, Senate, Faculty Council: What does that mean?


The Student Parliament is the central student body at the University of Hohenheim. It consists of 19 elected members who stand up for the interests of students - at the University and in public.

Among other things, the StuPa determines the amount of the student union contribution and how the money is used in the interests of the students, e.g. for the TMS, student groups, the Lecture Notes Office, or political education.

Similar to the Bundestag, there is a kind of "government" in the Student Parliament. In the StuPa, this is the AStA (general student committee), which consists of 5-9 persons. The AStA is not elected directly, but by the members of the Student Parliament.

The Senate is a kind of large university parliament. Here, elected representatives of all status groups (students, doctoral students, academic staff, administrative staff, professors) and the university management make fundamental decisions for the entire university. Students make up four of 32 elected members.

The members of the Student Senate are also members of the Student Parliament.

The faculty councils decide on matters concerning individual degree programs, the institutes and the faculty. All professors of the respective faculty are represented here, eight university staff, and six students.

More? The Verfasste Studierendenschaft's Wiki explains all the important terms.



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