Dies academicus (7 July) / Open Day (8 July)
Hohenheim in Party Mood [05.07.23]

[Translate to English:] Foto: Uni Hohenheim / Wolfram Scheible
Two days of summer festivities with a colorful program: At the Dies academicus on Friday (July 7), Hohenheim students, professors and employees will celebrate their university together. There will be no lectures on Friday for the ceremony and award ceremonies, student stands and the tapping of the barrel. Employees can take part in the ceremony during their working hours. This year's keynote speaker is neuroscientist and author Dr. Henning Beck. And in the evening, the traditional party starts late into the night. On Saturday (July 8), the program continues seamlessly: with the Open House and almost 120 program items such as guided tours, hands-on activities, and concerts.
Dies academicus (Friday, 7 July)
Traditionally, the Dies Academicus starts on Friday at 10 a.m. with a ceremony in the Audimax. The guest of honor is neuroscientist and author Dr. Henning Beck. In his keynote address, he will speak on the topic "Are you still learning or do you already understand? Knowledge transfer in digital times".
In addition, the ceremony offers the Hohenheim community an opportunity to look back on the past year and look to the future. In addition to the president, representatives of the students, mid-level faculty, the University Council, and the university association will speak.
Afterwards, the popular summer festival will start at 12 noon in the courtyard of the Palace. Hohenheim students will offer a wide range of culinary delights and refreshments from all regions of the world at many booths.
At 1:30 p.m., students and young academics at the University of Hohenheim will receive prizes and scholarships for outstanding achievements in the Audimax.
The social part of the festival will be officially opened at 4 p.m. with the tapping of the barrel by the president. From 7 p.m., the Hohenheim students will take the music into their own hands: a student DJ will ensure a party atmosphere until midnight.
Open House Day (Saturday, 8 July)
The university festival continues on Saturday. Whether it's a stock market game, food from the 3D printer or sniffing flavors, grass biorefinery, marshmallow challenge or medical cannabis - on the Open Day, not only guests of all ages can take a look behind the scenes.
The day is also an ideal opportunity for university members to find out what's going on beyond their own (specialist) field at Hohenheim. There are almost 120 program points for young and old on the entire campus. Guided tours, hands-on activities and information stations provide insights into laboratories, institutes, greenhouses and other university facilities. A shuttle bus ensures that all stations on campus - from the German Agricultural Museum to the Phytotechnical Center to the Meiereihof - can be reached easily.
Prospective students will be given insights into studying on this day. The spirit of research of the youngest will be awakened by hands-on activities for children: they can take home potted sunflowers, accompany a swarm of bees in search of its queen, chat with Queen Olga, or laugh with a clown.
Hohenheim students and food trucks will also provide food and drink on this day until 5:30 pm. To round off the day, the Concert Band's summer open-air concert invites you to linger from 6 p.m. onwards.
Text: Elsner / Translation: Office of International Affairs