Emergency Housing for Students

Guest Bed or Mattress Available?   [20.10.22]

Relief action: The new semester is starting and many students are still desperately looking for a place to stay. The Student Parliament is therefore currently arranging emergency housing for 1-3 weeks. Anyone who can help out with a free room, a sofa bed, or a guest mattress for a limited period of time can register online on the website of the campaign "WG hilft!" In addition to student flat-sharing communities, the Student Parliament also hopes to find helpful residents and university employees. Link to the online platform: vs.uni-hohenheim.de/wghilft

The housing market in Stuttgart is tight. According to the Student Parliament, two groups are particularly affected at the start of the semester: First-year students who were admitted late and therefore did not have enough time to look for a room; and international students whose lease in the residence halls has expired.

Temporary sleeping arrangements are also a great help in this situation. As a supplement to the regular housing exchange of the University of Hohenheim, the Student Parliament has therefore launched the campaign "WG hilft!". Free emergency accommodation can be reported online at:



A free guest or shared room is ideal. But also a sleeping couch in the living room or a guest mattress are suitable. 

In addition to the time and duration of the overnight stay, the website can indicate, among other things, which languages are spoken in the apartment. This should help to find the most suitable accommodation for international students. The student representation takes over the mediation. Most emergency accommodation is needed in the months of October and November.

"Anyone who cannot provide a place to sleep, but would still like to help, is also welcome to contact the AStA directly. Above all, we still need people to help international students navigate the complex housing market in Stuttgart. Especially with letters and searching for offers, support from German native speakers is immensely helpful," says Jan Gfrerer from the AStA.

Contact: asta@uni-hohenheim.de

The student emergency accommodation mediation refers only to free, time-limited offers of help. Regular rental offers can be published on the housing exchange of the University of Hohenheim:




Text: Leonhardmair / Translation: Neudorfer

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