Interactive panel discussion (20.4.)

Let's talk about sustainability!  [13.04.23]

The University of Hohenheim is working on a sustainability strategy. But how does it actually become a living sustainability culture? And how can we all contribute to it? The Sustainability Working Group (AKN) wants to discuss this: With the President, the Vice President for Academic Affairs, other panelists - and everyone who cares about this topic. The interactive panel discussion (English!) will take place next Thursday (April 20, 7 p.m.) in the Balkonsaal. All students and employees are welcome to attend. In the Online Courier, students will report in advance what issues are currently on their minds.


Translation: DeepL

Voting with color cards, rounds of marbles, spontaneously sit on the podium: In a fishbowl discussion, participants are not condemned to passive listening. The "perspektive n" discussion series has already taken place at over 50 universities - and is now entering its second round at the University of Hohenheim after five years. Support is provided by netzwerk n e.V., an initiative that promotes university transformation throughout Germany and is funded by the BMBF.

What does sustainability actually taste like? Hohenheim startups have found very different answers to this question. Participants can taste some of them for themselves after the fishbowl discussion on Thursday evening: Crackers made from rescued vegetables by Holiroots topped with vegan cheese by Viva La Faba and microgreens by Kleinblatt.

Examples that make it clear: Sustainability has many facets. What else is happening on campus in the area of sustainability can then be explored on a tour of the foyer, where student initiatives present themselves with a poster exhibition and are available for a chat.

Podiumsdiskussion im Schloss

„Beyond Strategies – Do we need a culture of sustainability?“

  • Do 20.4.23, 19 Uhr
  • Balkonsaal (Schloss Mittelbau)
  • Veranstaltungssprache: Englisch
  • Ohne Anmeldung

So has there already been a culture of sustainability at the University of Hohenheim for a long time?

Out of the bubble

"On the one hand, there's a lot going on. On the other hand, we tend to be stuck in individual bubbles," says Anna Struth from AKN. "How much more could we achieve if we made sustainability even more visible, networked, and really all pulled together? From students to researchers and administration employees to the university directors."

Getting everyone talking to each other is therefore the students' most important concern at Thursday's event.

University President Prof. Dr. Stephan Dabbert and the Vice President for Academic Affairs, Prof. Dr. Korinna Huber, have already confirmed their participation. Also on board: Social Media Manager Corinna Schmid, Head of the Bioeconomy Head Office Dr. Evelyn Reinmuth and Judith Blättler, student member of the Senate.

Students want "Green Office" and more sustainability on the curriculum

In fact, the topic of sustainability is currently occupying the university at the highest level. Every 5 years, the university adopts a strategy paper, with concrete goals and measures. The new Structure and Development Plan (SEP) is to be published in the coming months. Planned for the first time: A separate chapter on "Sustainability and Climate Protection".

The students from AKN have plenty of ideas about what they would like to read in this chapter, which is why they have also been actively involved in the development of the SEP.

Two points are particularly close to Ghita Della Pasqua's heart: "Student groups get a lot going. Nevertheless, there are many issues where we can't get anywhere on our own. That's why we would like to see an official body, such as a Green Office, that links all the players at the university and helps to promote sustainability issues. In addition, sustainability should play an even greater role in the curriculum of all degree programs at Hohenheim."

Kontakt AKN

Sustainability weeks, freshman academy, slow food fair & more

The AKN itself is the best proof that something can get moving through an event like the fishbowl discussion. Because the working group was founded 5 years ago when the format was hosted for the first time at the University of Hohenheim - as a result of the discussion.

Since then, the AKN has provided a unifying platform for all green initiatives and interested parties in Hohenheim and has gotten quite a bit going.

"Our biggest event every year is the Sustainability Weeks. In 2022, more than 40 workshops, events and lectures were on the agenda. Preparations for the next edition in June are already underway," reports Maximilan Offermann. "In the fall, we'll be onboarding new students on campus with the Ersti-Akademie and familiarizing them with the green initiatives and locations. That's also how I found AKN myself."

Even between the two big events, there are plenty of joint activities: whether it's taking part in the Critical Mass bike demo, a visit to the Slow Food Fair, or a trip to the ClimateCON conference at the University of Mainz. And of course the regular meetings on campus, which are deepened in topic-specific working groups.

"Anyone who wants to come and have a look is welcome at any time! In addition to students, some employees are also active with us - we are happy about every newcomer and have room for your ideas!", says Anna Struth.

Text: Leonhardmair / Translation: DeepL

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Artikel zum Thema: Nachhaltigkeit | studentische Gruppen | AKN