Many students decide case-by-case

Opinions: Mask in Lectures?   [10.06.22]

Since the end of May, students have no longer been required to wear a mask in normal courses. In a circular email, however, University President Prof. Dr. Stephan Dabbert strongly recommended that students continue to wear their masks. What do students think? Do they want to adhere to the recommendation? In a spontaneous poll via Instagram, just under 800 people gave their opinion on the subject.

Summer, falling incidence rates, a longing for normality: after two years in pandemic mode, society is taking a deep breath. And they'd like to do so without a mask again - if circumstances permit. Nevertheless, it is clear that the pandemic is not yet over, and risk groups are far less relaxed about the current situation.

The legal basis for a general mask obligation on the campus no longer exists, according to the assessment of the university management. However, University President Stephan Dabbert still strongly recommends that students wear masks during courses.


President: "Think actively for yourself - and show consideration".

"It is easiest if a mask is always worn in courses - then you don't have to weigh up every time whether you can do without the mask or not. That's another reason why we recommended it," the President said.

The aim is also to avoid a situation in which fewer students take part in face-to-face courses and more lecturers switch to online courses. After four Covid semesters, the President believes that face-to-face teaching is more important than ever for students. He especially appeals for consideration when lecturers explicitly ask students to wear a mask.

"On the other hand, there are of course also situations in which wearing a mask is not necessary, such as when there are very few participants in a large, well-ventilated lecture hall," adds Dabbert. "Please then decide for yourself, after your own active deliberation, what is appropriate and do not simply follow what others are doing. It remains easiest if you always wear a mask in the courses, including a surgical mask, which is, after all, much more comfortable in the heat than an FFP2 mask."


Student sentiment

A survey on the Instagram channel of the University of Hohenheim shows a mixed mood among students: 73% think it is good in principle that the mask requirement has been dropped. However, 27% find it unfortunate.

When asked whether they would like to follow the recommendations of the university management and continue to wear a mask in courses, 26% answered "yes, definitely". 50% state that this depends on the particular situation, and 24% no longer feel like wearing a mask, despite the recommendation.

772 people took part in the survey. Some participants made use of the option to briefly explain their attitude in a text field. Among other things, the students expressed themselves as follows:


Pro mask:

"Pre-existing condition and therefore 'fear' of re-infection".

"I wear the mask because it does not bother me and I want to protect myself (+ family)"

"Covid is airborne and the mask has been and continues to be the most effective tool against it."

"I continue to wear a mask because it would be very difficult to catch up on lectures if I get sick"


Contra mask:

"No air due to seasonal allergies + difficulty concentrating"

"No mask, reaching endemicity with omicron, which is not very dangerous, makes sense"

"It's time to get back to normal and treat Covid as a regular flu"


Text: Leonhardmair / Translation: Neudorfer

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