TMS incident: police seek witnesses

Pepper Spray Attack  [29.11.19]

Caught red-handed in an attempted theft, an unknown perpetrator sprayed pepper spray or a similar substance several times during the TMS party last Thursday (21 Nov). Approximately 300 party guests had to be evacuated as a result. Witnesses and persons who had something stolen are asked to report to the police. The Constituted Student Body expressed dismay over the incident and is discussing consequences.


A 23 year old attending the TMS party watched the stranger around 00:40 as he searched the guests' jackets on the first floor in front of the toilets, apparently looking for valuables. When the perpetrator noticed the witness, he fled to the exit and sprayed pepper spray or a similar substance behind him on the way.

The witness took up the pursuit, caught up with the perpetrator within the TMS and approached him. Then the stranger sprayed him directly and fled on foot towards the Speisemeisterei. Three other visitors and a security officer suffered minor injuries.

Contact Police

Witnesses, especially potential victims who have had something stolen, are asked to report to the Criminal Investigation Department by calling +49 71189905778.

AStA board member Ernesto Lunar Koch was present as a guest at the party: "I was standing in front of the TMS when I noticed that more and more students were coughing outside, some even threw up. When I came inside I immediately felt a burning sensation in my throat and eyes. We immediately ended the party and opened the windows."

AStA is discussing consequences

Since 2016, the TMS has been run by the student body "Verfasste Studierendenschaft" on its own initiative. The AStA has scheduled a special session today to discuss the consequences of the incident.

Kontakt Polizei

Zeugen, insbesondere mögliche Geschädigte denen etwas gestohlen wurde, werden gebeten, sich bei der Kriminalpolizei unter der Rufnummer +4971189905778 zu melden.

Rückfragen bitte an:

Polizeipräsidium Stuttgart
Telefon: 0711 / 8990 - 1111
Bürozeiten: Montag bis Freitag 06.30 Uhr bis 18.00 Uhr

Ernesto Lunar Koch stated: "The fact that someone has gone so far as to endanger the health of an entire group of people celebrating  is incomprehensible to us and we condemn this act in the strongest possible terms. Such an incident has not happened in TMS before and we hope it will never happen again. TMS is the heart of our campus for students and we cannot allow ourselves to feel unsafe in this place."

Until now, there have been about 5-6 security officers working in the TMS on Thursdays. The focus is on bag and age control. At the same time, the presence of security personnel is meant to prevent vandalism and fights.

"So far, we have had the impression that the number of security officers for the event is entirely appropriate. In light of the incident, we now need to re-examine that. However, we should also keep a reasonable perspective. Personally, I do not want the TMS to be transformed into a security bunker or for only enrolled students to be able to attend events in the future. However, we may need to take measures to prevent theft and better monitor the jacket area," said the AStA board member.

Police seek witnesses and injured parties

The investigating police officers assume that the perpetrator stole something before he was discovered. Witnesses, especially possible victims who had something stolen on the evening concerned, are asked to report to the criminal investigation department by calling +49 71189905778.

"However, we also noticed that several jackets were confused in the chaos of the situation. Anyone who accidentally took the wrong jacket with them is very welcome to report to the AStA," said Ernesto Lunar Koch.

According to police reports, the perpetrator was a 22 to 25-year-old man with dark hair and coloring, who had a remarkably strong, rather plump figure. He is estimated to be about 175 to 180 centimeters tall. He had an undercut hairstyle with a small plait at the back of his head and designer stubble. It is possible that the perpetrator fled in a black Mercedes SUV towards Fruwirthstraße.

Text: Leonhardmair / Translation: Neudorfer

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