New bike website & route tips

Hohenheim Continues Cycling  [11.06.19]

For a commuter portrait in the Bike-Bild (30 Nov 2018), a photo series was created about the approx. 20 km long journey to work of the Hohenheim chemistry laboratory assistant Sonja Ringer. Photo: Bernd Hanselmann

Bicycle instead of car: Thanks to e-bikes, you can relax through ups and downs - or take on a sporting challenge with an extra round across the fields? Three Hohenheim employees report in the Online Courier on their transition o biking and their daily journey to the University. You can now find more route tips or contribute your own on a new topic page on the University homepage.

As far as bicycle-friendly campuses are concerned, some things are gradually getting started. 300 new rack spots and two bike-sharing stations from RegioRadStuttgart were put into operation on campus at the beginning of the year. An honorary bicycle representative and a new working group ensure that the perspective of cyclists is taken into account in the University' s mobility planning.

The Hohenheim cycling community is also growing together: Almost 80 students and employees have registered for the team at the University of Hohenheim so far in order to collect kilometers and make a statement during the city cycling campaign. Additional members are welcome - you can join at any time.

In addition, a new topic page on the University homepage now bundles all information for cyclists. Among other things, you can get inspiration for cycling routes to Hohenheim - or add route tips yourself. Three employees who have already shared their route report on their experience...

Route tips and experiences

Karin Herrmann, Sekretärin, Dept. of Food Chemistry

I take part in "Stadtradeln" and am happy that this initiative exists! Every day I cycle from Heumaden to Hohenheim. Unfortunately there is a valley in between, which made the whole thing difficult. Since the year before last I am the proud owner of an e-bike, and since then I have been riding my bike 10 km to the office 4 days a week.

Since June 2017 I have ridden over 2400 km! I am lucky to be able to ride almost only in the countryside, past the youth farm Riedenberg, then past a farm over field paths and meadows to Hohenheim. It's a wonderful balance to the office, and I always avoid the traffic jam that occurs every morning in Sillenbuch. That's why I don't even need longer with the bike than with the car!

So my e-bike is an absolute improvement and means a great quality of life for me. However, this bicycle was quite expensive. For example, I would have liked to have been able to lease a bicycle, as many large companies now offer. Coming here with a "normal" bicycle is not practical as there are no showers. Who wants a sweaty colleague in the office? I would also like to have a lockable parking space, because I really don't like to leave the expensive e-bike outside.

Prof. Dr. Michael Kruse, Director, Dept. of Seed Science and Technology

(Route as GPX file)


My usual bike route to the university leads from Waldenbuch through the beautiful Siebenmühlental, on the old railway line to Leinfelden, here on a short route through the town and then through the industrial area out to the fields. Under the B27, then under the A8, past the tunnel construction site into the forest, over the Körsch and then the University begins in the Wollgrasweg. Altogether it is approx. 19 kilometers, for which I need about 40 minutes.

It's not the shortest route, but it's a beautiful one. In the morning you get to know the other cyclists on the route in the Siebenmühlental and in the evening after 6:30 p.m. it is not that crowded with pedestrians.

Actually I always try to come by bicycle (bicycle, not e-bike!), I sold my second car. I only take the car when bigger things have to be transported or when I am on holiday. The reason for the change to the bicycle 3 years ago was, besides my health, the particulate matter alarm in Stuttgart. Somebody has to swallow all that dust, I thought, and that's why I started coming to University by bike. In the year 2018 I reached a total of about 5500 km.

At the moment I am participating in the action "Stadtradeln" (city cycling) and enter the kilometers I have travelled for the University of Hohenheim team. Otherwise I use the app "Runtastic" to track my routes. Maybe there is a Runtastic group in Hohenheim who would like to collect kilometers together beyond the city cycling campaign?


Sonja Ringer, Chemistry Lab Asst., Dept. of Bioorganic Chemistry and Chemical Evolution


"It has now been almost 20 years since I switched from my old Opel Astra station wagon to my bicycle on my daily trip to Hohenheim. That was one of the best decisions of my life.

It's simply amazing what cycling does for you: No matter how stressful the working day has been, after my 20 km journey home I have a smile on my face. And conveniently, I've already taken care of exercising for the day.

Every time I cross the A8 on my way to Filderstadt and see the traffic jams under the bridge, I think to myself: I wouldn't want to be one of the people down there again at any price in the world.

In order to avoid busy roads, I take a detour about twice as long on my way to University. An accident a few years ago was the decisive factor. But the extra loop is really worth it! I love the quiet country paths on the Filder plain, which offer a different, beautiful view depending on the season.

The sunrises in winter are rather purple, and blue, in summer orange and red, and yesterday there was fog in the morning. On the way home the Alb appears blue, green, almost black or blurred, depending on the sun's rays.

If you ride regularly, you will quickly get to know other cyclists or dog owners. I'm always happy to have a nice chat by the wayside. One of my acquaintances is, for example, a farmer who kindly lets me pass by on his tractor every time and always keeps field paths well maintained. At some point I simply approached him and thanked him for it.

In the beginning I only rode the route to Hohenheim from time to time. My boyfriend and I then motivated each other to get on our bikes even more often and not to be put off by rain or cold. Now I have even completely deregistered my car and do e.g. my market shopping on the way back from University by bike.

I now also often take my bicycle with me on holiday. I don't really have a good sense of direction, but there are a lot of very good apps now for cycle route planning which can also help to find a good route to Hohenheim. Personally, I use the app komoot."




For a commuter portrait in the Bike Bild (30.11.18) a photo series was created, which captures the approx. 20 km long distance of chemistry laboratory assistant Sonja Ringer from Filderstadt via Echterdingen to Hohenheim. Photos: Bernd Hanselmann



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