Dance the night away

Ball under the Harvest Crown  [24.07.19]

Celebrate a glamorous evening and experience Hohenheim Palace in all its glory: This happens once a year at the Ball under the Harvest Crown - this year on 12 October. The tickets for the fanciest university party of the year are always in high demand. As of Monday (15 July), students and employees can secure their tickets.

Many magnificent palace rooms are not freely accessible during the year. For the Ball under the Harvest Crown, however, even the President and Chancellor clear their offices so that the Belletage can be transformed into a continuous ball lane - from the Green to the Blue Room. The Palace balcony is also open to guests.

The rooms of the Palace will be staged with autumnal works of art by Hohenheim master florist students.


Waltz or disco?

Ball unter der Erntekrone

If you feel you are no longer quite sure of your steps, you can take a free dance course at the beginning of October to refresh them. Dates for beginners and advanced dancers will be announced shortly on the homepage of the Ball under the Harvest Crown.

But not only the friends of Walzer, Rumba and Co get their money's worth at the Ball under the Harvest Crown: At midnight the popular disco floor in the Palace Cellar will open again this year.

In addition, a supporting program with a raffle and surprises will ensure an entertaining evening.

Students don't have to dig too deep into their pockets for the luxurious party ambience. You pay a reduced rate of € 12. For employees and alumni the ticket costs € 20.


Text: Leonhardmair Video: C. Schmid / Translation: Neudorfer

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