Study better

Learning spaces: What's new?  [16.11.23]

The students Jessica, Verena and Johanna guide through the theme month on Instagram. Image: University of Hohenheim

Study, discuss or simply take part in an online event undisturbed: Places to do this are simply part of a campus. But what is the situation at the University of Hohenheim? Are there enough places to study? What do students want? What is currently happening? And how can you help shape the campus yourself? Our topic of the week in the theme month "Study better".

Your feedback and ideas are the focus of the "Study better" theme month, for example, in the survey of the week on Instagram or on the "Study better" ideas platform. You can continue the discussion in the Teaching 2030 working groups or at the panel discussion on the Day of Teaching (1 Dec).

Survey of the week

Study places are not always easy to find in Hohenheim. At least that's how a good third of all students felt who took part in our survey of the week on Instagram.

Out of a total of 693 participants, only 19% said that they can always find a place to study. 43% answered "most of the time". However, 33% rate the search as "rather difficult" and 6% say they "almost never" find a place to study.

And what is more popular, group or individual workstations? Preferences differ here: 52% would like more individual workstations. 48%, on the other hand, would like more group study rooms.

As far as the size of group study rooms is concerned, smaller rooms with 3-5 places are more in demand. Only 6% of survey participants would like more places for group work.



Investigated: What happened to the study station in the Bio-Foyer?

Study spaces are also a topic on our "Study better" ideas platform. A recent proposal states:

"There is simply no space like there was before Corona. Before coronavirus, there were lots of tables with seating in the large Bio building downstairs between the Audimax and B1-3. This meant that study groups could deliberately meet there without having to worry about the noise level compared to the Bib. It was generally a nice place to spend free periods.

Since this no longer exists, the cafeteria is extremely crowded because everyone flees there. And it's much louder there because there are a lot more people sitting in a small space, whereas it used to be better spread out over the large area.

I think something like this is absolutely necessary again. The new 'study room' that we now have is not nearly the same in terms of space."



There is actually a specific reason for the loss of the seats:

Asbestos was found in some areas of the biology building during renovation work. As long as the asbestos is firmly bound in the walls, it poses no danger. However, if free-standing tables and chairs come into contact with the wall more frequently, there is a small residual risk that asbestos fibers could be released. For this reason, the learning spaces were removed as a precautionary measure.

A major refurbishment of the Bio-Foyer is planned in around 2 years' time. Once this has been completed, it is planned to reinstall learning spaces in this location.


New learning spaces in the Bio building

Until then, however, you won't have to do without learning spaces in the Bio building. This year, two new learning spaces have been created there for you:


  • behind HS B2
  • 15 seats
  • WLAN, power outlet, USB charging facility
  • PC, printer




  • in front of HS B4
  • 8 seats
  • WLAN, power outlet, USB charging option
  • whiteboard


Both places are still rather insider tips. So if you are looking for a place with your group, the chances are not bad. Admittedly: There is still some potential for improvement... But something should happen here soon! That's why you can vote on the future wall design in the LernOase on Instagram today.

Help shape it!

Would you like to get directly involved in the design of this and future learning spaces on campus? Then become part of the "Campus of the Future" think tank (WG 1 – working group) as part of the "Teaching 2030" initiative.

"In addition to designing learning spaces, the WG is also concerned with developing the campus as a place of teaching and learning in a broader sense," reveals coordinator Regina Belz. "This means promoting and publicizing student research and learning projects in which data is collected directly on campus. Some locations such as the Hohenheim teaching garden or projects on the topic of biodiversity already exist. However, the campus certainly offers much more potential, e.g. for practical projects on sustainability or digitalization topics."

Students and lecturers who would like to get involved or have specific ideas are welcome to join the working group at any time.

Other learning spaces on campus

If the learning spaces in the Biology building are occupied, there are numerous other alternatives on campus. You can find an overview on this website:


In der warmen Jahreszeit bietet das "Zimmer im Grünen" einen ruhigen Ort für deine Lerngruppe. Bei Regen könnt ihr sogar in die Scheune ausweichen. Bild: Uni Hohenheim

Obvious, but perhaps not always on the screen: The mensa! Not only are there places to study in the cafeteria area, but - outside meal times - there are also 260 (!) more places in the dining halls.

Incidentally, there are also tables and chairs scattered throughout the campus that can be used as workstations, e.g. at the main entrance to the palace or in the Kavaliershäuser.

"We have received feedback that students are sometimes unsure whether they are allowed to use such seating," reports Regina Belz. "The answer is quite clearly: Yes! To encourage students to take a seat, we will soon be officially labeling the tables as “Lerninsel” (Engl. study islands) with stickers."

Did you know? In the warmer months, three new outdoor learning spaces are also available - subject to prior booking: "Wilhelm", "Katharina" and the "Green Classroom".


Neue Lernboxen in der Bereichsbibliothek eigenen sich auch für Gruppenarbeit. Bild: Uni Hohenheim

Learning in the library

The two Hohenheim libraries with a total of over 300 study places are traditionally particularly popular for learning. The KIM team is also constantly improving them for you.

Thanks to several generous donations, for example, the old metal carrels in the departmental library have been replaced by modern models in recent years. At the beginning of this year, new " study boxes" were also added, which are also suitable for group work.

"Before Covid-19, the departmental library was purely a reference library, which meant that books could only be read on site. The individual study places were indispensable for literature work back then," explains Library Director Stefan Holub. "Nowadays, our books can also be borrowed and taken home. This gives us some freedom at the workstations. Anyone who wants to concentrate on their work and be inspired by our beautiful rooms is very welcome!"

Flexibler Lernraum

Den flexiblen Lernraum in der Zentralbibliothek könnt ihr euren Bedürfnissen entsprechend umgestalten. Bild: Uni Hohenheim

Something has also changed in the central library: a year ago, group study room 5 was refurnished and transformed into a flexible study room. Depending on the needs of the respective users, the furnishings can be spontaneously rearranged.

Additional learning spaces are planned

"Learning spaces continue to be an important component of an attractive campus for the University of Hohenheim," emphasizes Oliver Laupheimer, Head of Construction and Property Management in the University Administration. "That's why we always check when areas become available on campus to see if they can be used by students as study spaces."

Specific plans include a new learning space in front of the PC rooms 1/2 (Schloss Westhof-Ost). A combination of lounge and study area with a total of 15 seats is expected to be set up here in the coming year. New shielded acoustic boxes for study groups are also being planned in the foyer of the old Phytomedicine building.

New study spaces will also be added to the departmental library in the foreseeable future: "We have condensed our offices and were thus able to free up a room on the first floor with an area of a good 50 m². The construction companies have already been commissioned. Unfortunately, everything is taking a little longer than originally thought, but we hope that the construction work will start as soon as possible," reports Stefan Holub.

The vision: a large Learning Center in the Palace

The vision for a new large learning center in the palace (Westhof West) has been around for many years. Originally, the university had hoped that the opening could take place as early as 2020.

Unfortunately, things turned out differently: delays to several major construction projects on campus triggered a complex chain reaction, meaning that the rooms are still needed. In addition, there is still a lack of planning capacity for the project at the responsible building authority in the state.

The vision is therefore not yet off the table. However, those studying in Hohenheim today will probably not be able to enjoy the new learning center.

Text: Leonhardmair | Translation: International Office

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