THE Teaching Rankings 2019

Excellent Study Conditions  [09.07.19]

According to Times Higher Education (THE) Europe Teaching Rankings, the study conditions at the University of Hohenheim are among the best in Germany. In the second edition of the ranking, the University of Hohenheim defended its nationwide Top Ten ranking with an eighth place. The best placed university in Germany is the University of Heidelberg.

The THE Europe Teaching Rankings is part of the renowned Rankings of the Times Higher Education magazine and is based on a survey of 125,000 students from 18 European countries with 258 universities. The ranking started in 2018 as a pilot project with 240 universities from 9 countries.

The results of the University of Hohenheim are impressive: Most of the respondents would decide to study at Hohenheim again or recommend the university to others.

The students of the University of Hohenheim awarded the university a top ranking in Germany (#8). In a European comparison, the university is in group #101-125 of a total of 258 evaluated universities. The universities of Oxford and Cambridge ranked first and second in Europe, the best German university being the University of Heidelberg.


BACKGROUND: Times Higher Education Europe Teaching Rankings

The ranking is divided into four main areas: Resources and results of teaching, quality of the learning environment, and the university's commitment to its students. The questions include, for example, whether teaching promotes critical thinking, whether courses present a challenge, or whether students have the opportunity to interact with lecturers. Support in preparing for professional life is also one of the topics.

The THE Europe Teaching Rankings focuses on teaching and on Europe. It is fundamentally different from THE World University Rankings, which focus on research excellence at the global level.

Zum Ranking


President: "Good study conditions need sustainable financing"

According to the THE Teaching Ranking, a total of four universities from Baden-Württemberg achieved a Top 10 ranking. These are the universities Heidelberg (1st place), Mannheim (4th), Constance (7th), and Hohenheim (8th).

"The good results achieved by the University of Hohenheim and the state of Baden-Württemberg are proof of the enormous commitment of the state universities to the economic and innovation location," said University President Stephan Dabbert. The state universities manage this even though they are suffering from overload to satisfy the growing demand for study places.

This makes it all the more important to gradually reduce the continuing underfunding of universities in the years ahead. "In the coming months, the state will set the course for university funding in the future. The state has taken the first encouraging steps with the current university financing agreement. With a new version, there is now an opportunity to set the course for permanent, sustainable resources for the state universities."


Text: C. Schmid / Translation: Neudorfer

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