Open letter to President's Office

StuPa demands solution  [09.07.19]

At the beginning of the semester, the university rededicated a large part of the rooms in the KIM learning center (former phytomedicine ) as offices. The reason: an acute shortage of space due to construction measures. The loss of 16 group work rooms is particularly serious for the students. The earliest replacement in sight is 2021/22. Then the learning center will reopen at a new location (Schloss Westhof). In an open letter to the university management, the student body calls for interim solutions for the coming semesters.



The reason for the closure of the learning rooms is an urgently needed renovation measure in the Westhof-Süd Palace (Reitscheuerflügel). It houses the departments of the Institute of Soil Science and a large part of the KIM IT department. Due to the current building boom, the university could not find another alternative location for the offices.


The relocation of the learning center to the Palace has been planned for some time, but only at a later date. The planned rooms in the Westhof will probably not be available before mid-2021 and can then be used for the new learning facilities - initially unrefurbished. However, a complete renovation of the building and a conversion of the laboratories in Westhof West is also planned.



Open Letter from the Constituted Student Body (Student Parliament)


Dear members of the President's Office,

As a reaction to the closure of the learning rooms in the former phytomedicine rooms, we now turn to you in the interest of all students.

Due to the current construction work on campus, the group study rooms, which we greatly appreciate, have not been usable since 1 April 2019 and will be permanently removed. These study places are not comparable with other university facilities in terms of their number, technical equipment, or spatial distribution, and their loss is therefore all the more serious.

Antwort auf den Offenen Brief

The need for adequate workspaces for a successful learning environment was acknowledged by all status groups, including the President's Office, in the current Structure and Development Plan: "The situation of the highly sought-after, scarce group workspaces has improved considerably, among other things, as a result of the renovation of the Central Library and the conversion of the Old Phytomedicine. However, the university is still dependent on the agreement with the Studierendenwerk that students can use the Mensa outside meal times as learning space".

For this reason in particular, we are very surprised that students are not being provided with a replacement for the learning rooms that have been eliminated.

This means that an additional 135 learning places are lacking. The elimination of 16 group work rooms, which corresponds to two-thirds of all group work rooms available on campus, is particularly serious. The need for high-quality rooms for studying was demonstrated not least by the continuously high use of the now closed Old Phytomedicine.

There are currently only 2,148 study spaces available for the approximately 10,000 students. This number already includes 868 seats in the Mensa and Cafeteria. Due to its surroundings and the opening hours of the Mensa, it cannot be regarded as an adequate substitute for fully-fledged workrooms. We consider these to be highly questionable because they are not permanently available for use as learning spaces or are hardly suitable as such.

We consider it imperative to provide students with sufficient space to ensure that their studies are successful. Especially group study rooms are essential for joint exam preparation, group work for presentations and seminar papers as well as professional networking and work on projects.

We regard the current situation as an imposition on students and demand an interim solution for the upcoming semesters. Study rooms and all other student concerns must be given the necessary consideration when building measures are prioritized. We are aware of the general lack of space at the university. Nevertheless, we call on you to become active and to solve the current precarious study space situation in the interests of the students.


On behalf of all students of the University of Hohenheim

The Constituted Student Body


Translation: Neudorfer

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