Senate calls for more money for universities

"Permanently end underfunding"   [24.07.19]

A decrease of 34% since the turn of the millennium - that is how the real development of funds available to the state universities per student can be summed up. According to a recent statement adopted today by the University of Hohenheim Senate, the money is lacking for training future specialists as well as for essential research and the promotion of innovation in order to safeguard Baden-Württemberg as a business location. The basic financing of universities in Baden-Württemberg is currently being renegotiated. The Senate is calling on the state to permanently close the gap between necessary and actual university funding.

"In order to satisfy the growing demand for study places, universities have been overburdened for years. They even have to rent space and are struggling with a backlog of millions in renovating existing buildings," said University President Stephan Dabbert, summarizing some of the problems faced by the universities.

At the same time, monetary devaluation, wage increases, rising operating costs, and manpower for additional tasks are draining the budget, so that less money per student is available across the state today than in the past millennium. This is a minus that has now totalled 34% in real terms as a result of the currency devaluation.


Underfunding must be gradually reduced

Discussions between the universities and the state on the future basic funding of higher education began in June. With a view to the intense negotiations in autumn, the University of Hohenheim Senate is now also addressing politicians with a statement.

The committee, in which students are represented in addition to professors, academic staff, and other employees, strongly urges the gradual reduction of the ongoing structural financial deficit.


The most important requirements are listed in the statement:

- 3% per year to compensate for wage increases and science-specific cost increases - to prevent the gap from widening further.

- An additional 1,000 euros per student added to the basic budget to close the gap between budget and actual needs.

- Reduction of the backlog of renovation work - so that teaching and research are not sabotaged by inadequate and lacking infrastructure.

In addition, there are further demands to simplify the financing and make it reliable. That includes:

- Shift from existing special programs to the basic budget - because former special situations such as a high demand for education have long since become standard.

- Right to build reserves - because science is developing dynamically, so universities need freedom of action and flexibility.

- Deduction-free transfer of all federal funds for studies and teaching to the basic budget - so that these funds can be used effectively.


"Don't stop after the first encouraging steps"

Whether the state will respond to the demands is still completely open. The Senate's statement, however, draws hope from two encouraging signals. 

For example, the state's current university financing agreement "Perspectives 2020" had already begun to transfer many special funds to the basic budget and paid an energy cost subsidy. However, the contract is limited until 2020. "This contract has brought valuable structural improvements and at least offset the increase in energy costs. After these initial encouraging steps, it is now a matter of resolutely continuing along the path from underfunding," explained the President.

It was also an encouraging signal that in June 2019 the Federal Government and the Länder had agreed on key points for federal subsidies to improve university financing. "So far, however, it is only certain that federal funds will go to the federal states on a permanent basis - but the details are open. This must be regulated in such a way that we can actually use all resources effectively."

Should there be no signs of progress in the negotiations with the state, the universities will want to emphasize their position with public actions in the fall.


Text: Leonhardmair / Translation: Neudorfer

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